Selling my old MS250 and thinking of getting an MS261. Can I get some advice?

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 16, 2021
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East Coast USA
Hey guys, you all have been so helpful here over the years and I'm hoping I can get some of your advice now.

I inherited my dad's 17 year old Stihl MS250C a few years back when I finally bought a house on property. Loved the thing for what it was but I've been fighting a constant issue with it stalling out. Had it at multiple Stihl dealers, have worked on it myself since you all have given me advice on previous posts, and thrown hundreds of dollars into it with no results... I'm kind of just done with it and want to sell it on Craigslist to someone who might have the time and energy to constantly tinker with it. The MS250 is too picky!!

Other than that though, it really was a near perfect saw for me. I like how "simple" it is - easy to service, no fancy features, old school design. With an 18" bar and me converting it back to the old school 2 bar stud tensioner, it worked well for me. Sometimes I wish I had a 20" bar for larger logs, but I also don't want a saw that weighs really anymore than what the MS250 weighs since I'm hauling it by hand around the property a lot.

I had read around a bit online thinking that, whenever the day came to upgrade, I'd get an MS261. I wanted to see if you guys thought that was the right choice? I figured a Pro saw would last longer as I want something that can last AT LEAST another 17 years like the 250! Looks like my dealer offers it in a 20" bar! So I think I'd go that route unless you guys think that isn't a good idea? If not I'd do 18" but don't want a saw that needs 16"... too short.

I heat my house with my own wood, so my work with the saw consists of bucking 2 cords of wood a year, any fallen trees or branches, and every year or so felling a tree, probably anywhere from 12" to 18" in diameter. Anything bigger like 22"+ I wait for it to fall on its own and buck from there. Using the saw every month, at minimum for a few hours a month to at most every weekend extensively.

What do you guys think? MS261 with 18" bar to replace an MS250C with an 18" bar?

And if it's a good replacement choice, do you guys know if any parts are compatible? I've got multiple bars and chains and a 2in1 sharpener already for the MS250. My current chain is a 26RM368 - would that swap over fine to the 261?

Lastly my concern is serviceability. Despite the one issue I've been battling on this 250, I knew the saw in and out. Like the easy carb adjustment screws on the side and ability to change my own spark plug, filter, sprockets, clutch, etc... is the 261 as serviceable? I don't think the carb adjustments are on the outside of the saw - is that an issue for a guy like me?

Thanks guys. I have a downed tree right now in the driveway and want to upgrade ASAP so I appreciate the replies.

So in summary:
1. What do you recommend as a replacement to a MS250? Is a MS261 a good replacement?
2. Are chains, bars, etc compatible between the MS250C and MS261?
3. Is the 261 easily serviceable by a homeowner, or as easy to maintenance as a 250?

I did see that but if I'm getting a saw I want to upgrade. Likewise as much as I like the specs of the 250, this thing has been a nightmare in terms of tuning the carb. I rather not deal with this issue again down the line.

From what I've read im not a one off case and the 250 is considered a finicky saw...

Thanks for letting me know though
Ha I can do that! I just like to buy something I'll keep for a long time, if not for life, so wanted to make sure I wasn't buying something I'd regret!
Gauge your saw to the biggest tree you have to cut down. Personally I’d rather have bigger than lighter and a longer bar.
“A 24“ bar saves a lot of bending over.”
Some of the best advice I ever got.
Ha I can do that! I just like to buy something I'll keep for a long time, if not for life, so wanted to make sure I wasn't buying something I'd regret!
I'm pretty sure you'll like the 261. Mine is almost my go to saw most of the time. I run an 18" bar on mine. Have had no issues with it. I also have a MS 400 which usually goes along with the 261. I run A 20" bar on that. I also ran a MS 250 for years but the jump to a 261 was awesome. I see your in PA. If your close to York Co your welcome to come run mine.
Thanks guys for your input!

I think I'm sold on the 261 as of now. I'm in Montgomery County PA so too far from you guys but I appreciate the offer!

A little more power would be great but I do really want the extra length more. It seems all my logs are 19" or 20", no lie, so I always have to go around to the other side to get a full cut with an 18" bar.

When you say anemic, what do you mean exactly? Really that bad? I'm assuming that a 261 with a 20" bar will still feel more powerful than a 250 with an 18" bar, no?
If I was looking for a forever replacement saw for your MS250, I'd be looking for a solid older 026.
Sure the AV and filtration on the 026 isn't as good as the newer MS261, but it is easier to service and parts are available everywhere.
The 026 carburetors are adjustable and can be rebuilt; the M-tronic carburetors, not so much. Even the Stihl shops with service centers w/solid repair facilities will tell you that replacing it is a better option than rebuilding it.
In fairness, I have a bunch of 026 saws, a couple 260's, and just a single 261. I like the 261. However, if something with it went sideways, I have a dozen other saws that I could grab to use while it's being repaired.