Sending to Walker's

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ArboristSite Operative
Feb 20, 2002
Reaction score
I am sending two pwrheads (357xp,2171) to Walker's. I am a little leery about the border crossing, anyone ever have any trouble? Separation anxiety already setting in. Haven't even run
the 357 yet. My 2145 will have to keep me company for a while.
It really is a saw thing! My wife thinks I'm insane. Oh well.
Shipping to Walkers

Make sure to check with John Walker about how to handle insurance--when I sent my 046 to be done, I insured it as new--big mistake as they charged tax when sending back through customs. Can't remember exactly though JW can help. It is well worth the effort!

Your separation anxiety you are having is perfectly normal. We all have it with our saws. Some of us even sleep with our saws.Go to the "This is outrageous" thread & you will see what I mean....Rick
"Robyn's Sidekick"
I spoke w/John W. last week, he gave me the path to
follow. I'm just hoping to read that no one has actually
had their saw fall off the face of the planet.
I know the machines are in great hands when they reach
their destination, it's the in between part that freaks me out.
It's nice to have a place where others have been there before!
I appreciate any help.
Ship the saw as used.

Purolator Courier "lost" an 090 once, that I am aware of. I don't want to say that they are a bunch of thieves, that wouldn't do, but on the other hand, a saw went in to their shipping hub and then they couldn't find it. It doesn't take a detective to figure out what happened...
Is there a town or city called Clearwater in every state???

Another thing to make sure of when you to write "repair and return" on the invoice can deem it no commercial value, and still insure it for any amount....another thing I learned..if you use UPS...the reciever can get nailed brokerage fees if you send it ground...something to look at...
Unbelievable isn't it? We ship thousands of dollars a day
across the country, have had $30000.00+ claims, that's
why I'm so paranoid. Equipment (and whole skids) somehow
can just vanish! I'm sure everything will be ok, looking forward to seeing that Walkerized sticker on my machine. I want to be able to walk on a smart mouth pal o' mine with a real nice 044.
Do you guys run .050 or .058? Just curious, the .058 is real
popular around here (lots o'hardwood). For 3/8 pitch, I don't
know that I can tell the difference, but I'm just a hardcore
part timer at best.

Yes, I think it's kind of like Springfield. One in every state.
Funny thing is, the next town North of us is Clear Lake.
No one ever accused us of being original here in the rodent
I know what you mean Scott, My whole basement is full of those whole skids of stuff. I just don't know where they come from. Some are worth $30,000+
Robyn's Sidekick
Hey Scott, I know what you mean, I've been a basket case for the last couple of weeks. Walker's put my 357xp in the mail on the 6th via Canadian Postal. The mailman delivered it yesterday (the 19th). Not too bad I don't guess with Monday being a holiday. Hang in there and good luck.
I've had horror stories shipping and recieving from Canada.

Inbound shipments into Canada seem to get lost about 25% of the time. They do eventually show up but it can take up to 6 months.

Shipments from Canada to the U.S. always seem to end up at a customs broker. The broker will extort big bucks from you to fill out a silly form. In the meantime your goods are quarantined until you pay off the broker.

Never use UPS. From my experience Fed X P1 is your best chance for a smooth journey.

Good luck!
ok - i smash them all!! lol -they all suck, but UPS (POS) does give you the best chance of getting it all the way there and back semiquickly without losing your package. They also have the best insurance in the business (cant talk about fedex cos have never used them since they are very expensive) which is very important to us saw people!!! insure your package and ask for the specific instructions from your saw people to avoid the extra taxes/tolls etc... it'll get just takes a little time.. i have just had another harrowing experience with a carrier for a week but i can track it and it was insured (and you need a receipt for the amount paid if it was ever stolen) so i was just anxious... it was done ok - $27 to western canada from central US.:cool:
Hi there, John the Woodtick here,
The postal service is the best, especially if you mail priority. Of the over 150 saws I have put out in the last two years, only one vanished ( purolator courier). It was an 090, sure wish I had that saw today.
Thanks John,
USPS it is, I must confess to having chickened out on sending
my saws to Walker's. I will atone for these transgressions by
having no less than two modded/rodded saws by the end of
the year.
Dennis, how busy are ya?
Repair and Return

Remember to mark your package "repair and return" or Dennis may get hit with a duty when he receives it. Russ

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