must be about like walnut.....I don't care for it, burns long but not that hot, leaves a lot of ashes. I'll take oak or locust over it any day.
must be about like walnut.....I don't care for it, burns long but not that hot, leaves a lot of ashes. I'll take oak or locust over it any day.
must be about like walnut.....
I stopped messing with walnut loooong ago.. more ash,,than the amount of firewood I started with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Would be very hard pressed to put Walnut and Shag Hickory in the same class. My experience with Shag Hick is that it burns really hot, long and coals great. The Walnut that I have burned doesn't throw a lot of heat and leaves a ton of ash in my OWB. I get enough Oak, Hickory and Ash that I don't mess with Walnut anymore.