Whats the best and easiest way to sharpen chains? Is it the file or should i get one of those electric ones my dealer/service guys have. Ive heard that the electric option takes to much off ,and the chain dosnt last as long.
I really enjoy the roller file that comes with the jonsereds file kit. Keep a sharp edge on the chain all day makes cutting a lot more fun. Like others have said, every time you gas up, run the file across it once or twice and you know you have a sharp chain. It will be at the correct angle and depth. Maybe someone else can post a picture of one, They are around 10 bucks and just rest right over your chain unlike the granberg style which clamps to your bar. I bought the granberg to try changing angles and now that is in the trash. I always go back to the roller file.
and everyone who writes should be able to use paragraphs. Sheesh.Everyone who uses a saw should be able to hand file a chain.
I would tell anyone starting out with chainsaws to learn how to handfile first at least to the point that it comes pretty naturally. The cheapest way to get a chain sharp is a file, a handle, and a leather glove. I use the side of my index finger to keep the file from going in too deep in the tooth. The thing about hand filing is you can use it anywhere.
Once you get comfortable hand filing, a bench chain grinder is a nice addition for truing up chains and fixing thoses times when you catch a fence or rock and have to take the chain back a ways. The last several chains I have ground have been for friends / neighbors and they all had problems that needed some serious work to correct. I have been lucky lately and have stayed out of the hard stuff with my bars so I have just filed them. The only thing bad about hand filing a lot is that you are not always swapping chains and inspecting / flipping your bar as often.
Where would a guy look for a file guide and files like that?