John D
Addicted to ArboristSite
I realize I'm not there in your shoes, but I still feel you have the draft door open too far, sending the heat right out the chimney.
I had a similar problem when I first fired mine up.
I'd open that draft door up and it really had a fire roaring inside the furnace. It really ate the wood too.
After establishing a good coal bed as others had recommended, I closed the door to just about 1/3. I rake all the coals to put them right over the grate before loading. There is a bluish flame coming off those coals if the draft blower is on. It really throws the heat. I then throw the wood on top of the blue flames.
Before I'd try to make sure there was nothing on the grate and stacked wood to the sides. I thought I needed to keep the grate open so the air could come up through. Not the case.This didn't work as well.
Even before that, I use to shove the wood as far back as I could get it. I really had trouble with the heat going up the chimney.
There is definitely a learning curve with these things.
Right now I just keep everything in front as centered as possible.
Thank you for your input,remember if i shut the air door any more, I might as well just drain the water,as it will not make enough temperature to heat my house,as it is now,its 3/4 open,and on the edge of keeping up at 15-20 degrees out.Temps will hover at 140 for hours,causing my inside boiler to end up with all 3 circs running due to the low temps of it taking so long to satisfy one zone,a second kicks on before the first is satisfied,then the HW zone kicks, on and temps plummet as load increases.My circulators are running up to an hour per zone when at 140 to cycle,when they ran 10-15 minutes at 180 when the indoor boiler was firing,and at that the indoor boiler would fire-hit 185,shut down to 170-fire repeat.The indoor only ran about 40% of the time the circ was on.
As for the coal bed, i cannot get one to form in the front center,everything is falling thru the grates,i got s small one forming on the sides,and the back has one now,still impossible to burn in front and center though.Id like to block off 1/2 the air grates in the front, IMO,its too open.the air grate surface area is 100x more than what the blower lets in,it just doesnt seem necessary to me.
I'm still eating wood, i got a 10 hr burn this am,and it wasnt below 160 when i went out,thats the best so far.I didnt fill it to the top last night,I filled the front 1/2 only,used spilt oak sections about 5" around by 30" long, 2 of them,one old pine round about 10" around a foot long,a huge 15" oak round 30" long and everything was gone this morning,but the huge oak round and some of the coals.I dont know if this seems like a lot of wood,it does to me,since im filling 3x a day about that amount,not full loads,but a good amount of wood.