ok, you got me started...
Im glad to hear someone else ?????ing about the Sherrill site, it has been an absolute heartbreak for me. I am both a certified arborist and a "human factors engineer", which means I help design and do user testing for websites. Don’t ask me how this situation came about, its a long story, but it might make me the best person in the world to critique the Sherrill website.
When I first found the Sherrill catalogue I was working my way through grad school trimming. It had better illustrations of rope techniques than any other text I had seen, certainly better than anything the ISA has ever produced. The catalogue was lovingly made, way better than it had to be, and reflected a artist’s passion for the trade. It had every piece of equipment I ever needed. The original website (circa 1999) contained a similar level of artistry, but could have been easier to use, still better than most ecommerce sties. The first redesign came out when I was just out of school. I was so appalled I wrote a long letter which included a brief “heuristic analysis” of some of its problems. I got an unsatisfying response from the webmaster, who wanted me to give more free advice, but explained that the new website, which was slower, less intuitive, and hideously ugly, was the way it was because they had purchased some kind of comprehensive catalogue/supply chain management system that came with the cookie cutter website. I studied information architecture, computer programming, and web design, and I was unable to figure out how to send my money to Sherrill through that site.
Now this re-design. I can only assure they have heard users howling for the past few years and someone figured out they need to update their site, only no one sat down and thought through why it sucked to begin with. The new site has a few new graphical elements, but it makes nearly all the same mistakes as the old one. Its none of my business, but this drives me *!#*@ nuts. If I didn’t give a rip about the company I guess I wouldn’t care, but there has always been something about them that I really love.
Anyway, I recently needed to make a large (for me) purchase. The new site was up and the catalogues were not yet out; I elected to wait for the catalogue, simply because I don’t trust a site that bad with my credit card number. Catalogue was late, I called and asked for one to be sent, I emailed a request through the site: three weeks and no catalogue. That was it. I made my order through Fresco, whose site is also obnoxious but not quite as bad. The catalogue got to my house some time after that, it looks great.