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A man can spend a day on youtube and be a pro by dark.
A man can spend a day on youtube and be a pro by dark.
hello every one, i went a priced a job today and found the client had attempted to DRIVE a bunch of pines over, i asked him what the hell gave him the idea to try what he did (by the way this twit has no exprience other then cutting fire wood)
he said he found this web site
i dont know if I'm allowed to post it but what the hell,
it shocks me that they would put this information on the internet, especially outdated stuff such as DRIVING, then have the cheek to say its from labour department.
should i go into this store and tell em to wake up to what there encouraging people to do.
I hate the fact now that any one can walk in off the street and buy a saw, thats why i pay moon beams in insurence is because of the half wits that buy chain saws and hurt them selves.
In the bigger picture is it maybe time to make it illegal to buy a saw or hire for that matter with out some form of liscense, you got to have one for a gun, got to have one to hire a ramset gun to shoot nails into concrete, whats the difference with a gun and ramset gun and a chain saw, in the hands of a simpleton armed with a tiny amount of info anything can be deadly
I was referring to the op Bermie, just out of curiosity, do you need to have some kind of license to work on cars over there?
the stihl manuals are actually not bad for showin how to do basic felling notches and backcuts. as long as the tree isnt dangerous just about any competent person with instructions should be able to fall it.