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I've been reading on this site and regarding storage of firewood and have a question regarding my own situation. I don't heat my home with wood as of yet, only occasional use on weekends in a open hearth traditional style fireplace.
I have about half a cord of poplar wood that I've recently bucked up. This wood was cut down in May of this year by an oil company clearing bush. The trees were cut and limbed and stacked in full lengths and have sat in the farms field until August when we stumbled across it. The pile is huge and is about 10 feet tall by 20 feet deep. All we had to do was buck it up, haul it home and split it. Average diameter of trees is about 1 ft.
The poplar once split seems to be still quite moist so I don't plan on using much of it this winter. It is currently stacked against my fence and not covered. I was hoping to let it air dry from August until winter rolled around. I'm not sure if I should cover it for the winter with a tarp? Will tarping it trap moisture and slow down the drying process over winter? Does wood dry/season over winter months ? It seems like summer would be the logical time for wood to dry.
Our Climate is very dry in terms of humidity, almost desert like, even in the winter, but we get tons of snow and very cold temps. Gets as cold as -30 Celsius/-22 degree Fahrenheit. Should I cover this wood with a tarp on the top and leave the one side not against the fence exposed. Or should I tarp the top and side? Or should I just leave it exposed?
Rusty :monkey:
I've been reading on this site and regarding storage of firewood and have a question regarding my own situation. I don't heat my home with wood as of yet, only occasional use on weekends in a open hearth traditional style fireplace.
I have about half a cord of poplar wood that I've recently bucked up. This wood was cut down in May of this year by an oil company clearing bush. The trees were cut and limbed and stacked in full lengths and have sat in the farms field until August when we stumbled across it. The pile is huge and is about 10 feet tall by 20 feet deep. All we had to do was buck it up, haul it home and split it. Average diameter of trees is about 1 ft.
The poplar once split seems to be still quite moist so I don't plan on using much of it this winter. It is currently stacked against my fence and not covered. I was hoping to let it air dry from August until winter rolled around. I'm not sure if I should cover it for the winter with a tarp? Will tarping it trap moisture and slow down the drying process over winter? Does wood dry/season over winter months ? It seems like summer would be the logical time for wood to dry.
Our Climate is very dry in terms of humidity, almost desert like, even in the winter, but we get tons of snow and very cold temps. Gets as cold as -30 Celsius/-22 degree Fahrenheit. Should I cover this wood with a tarp on the top and leave the one side not against the fence exposed. Or should I tarp the top and side? Or should I just leave it exposed?
Rusty :monkey: