Here's a a couple of the toolbox I use as a case for my new MS201T.
It's amazing how perfectly it fits this saw with a 14 inch bar but it would probably work well with any small top handled saw. You can get them at Home Depot or Lowes for $30-35 and I really like the water tight seal they have. You don't have to worry if it starts raining or about your tools drawing damp if it sits outside.
My Dad and I built a wooden box (no lid) to hold the XL-2 many years ago. I'll see if I can get a picture of it up.
It's amazing how perfectly it fits this saw with a 14 inch bar but it would probably work well with any small top handled saw. You can get them at Home Depot or Lowes for $30-35 and I really like the water tight seal they have. You don't have to worry if it starts raining or about your tools drawing damp if it sits outside.
My Dad and I built a wooden box (no lid) to hold the XL-2 many years ago. I'll see if I can get a picture of it up.