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Yeah, but the husky in the picture looks to be a 562 those have an internal cluch as does the 572( can't tell what it is on my crackerjack phone looking a picture of a Polaroid lol).
Generally speaking, I wrote that, not only Stihl has external drive gears, although this chainsaw below resembles it
Nothing too special here compared to what's in this thread but this is the first tree I've used wedges with. Most of the wood I cut is for firewood and located in fence lines so it can fall wherever it wants and it doesn't matter. Well I purchased some wedges a while back and decided to see if I could put them to use.

I'll be using these more lol. Most trees I cut down are not very large so I won't be able to use wedges often but man, this worked amazing ! The little MS250 did a decent job as well !
Cut a decent sized ash today. My brother in law was out there the other day and made some nice stumps lol

He and I have cut together a number of times and he still hacks away at trees like a beaver. The wrap handle on the 026 sure is coming handy !!
While out tip'n over some dead Spruce sticks for firewood on this fine Christmas day. I came across some interesting stumps a couple of my neighbor's made.

Not exactly sure what the idea or theory behind these cuts are?

I'm not 100% certain, but from the looks of things. I think they missed their shot by a few degrees. 🤦

And what the hell is this? A new felling cuts fundamental Im not aware of? 🤷

Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!👍
Now these are mine from today.

A standard soft Dutchman swing cut with an additional second Dutchman.

Had to do a little shim work to get the stick from this stump to commit. I anticipated having plenty of wedges. I didn't! 😒 Lol.
I seldom use shims, but if used correctly. Shims can get you out of a tight spot.👍 Especially when your in a pickle and short on wedges.20231225_132721.jpg20231225_132742.jpg

Cut safe, stay sharp and be aware!👍
Nothing too special here compared to what's in this thread but this is the first tree I've used wedges with. Most of the wood I cut is for firewood and located in fence lines so it can fall wherever it wants and it doesn't matter. Well I purchased some wedges a while back and decided to see if I could put them to use.
View attachment 1131335

I'll be using these more lol. Most trees I cut down are not very large so I won't be able to use wedges often but man, this worked amazing ! The little MS250 did a decent job as well !
View attachment 1131336
If you work a lot of small timber and find it difficult having room to follow your back cut with wedges and do so without trapping your bar? Try Executing your back cut first. Before your face cuts. Execute your back cut as deep as necessary up to the back side of where you intend your hinge wood to be. Remove your saw from the kerf. Then set your wedges in tight. TIGHT!! Then execute your gunning cut up to the front side of your intended hinge wood while using extreme caution not to relieve to much of your holding wood! Then execute third and final cut. Wether its a Humboldt under cut or Conventional top cut dosent matter. Then remove your face block. Your now ready to drive your wedges until the tree commits into a fall and without a saw bar taking up wedging space in the kerf of a shallow backcut.👍
If this procedure intimidates you. Don't try it! 🤣
Nothing special here other than I finally got a little axe to use and love it. I’d always keep cutting until the face cut wedge fell out and almost always went too deep somewhere. I cleaned this up a little before finishing the cut.

Dang bar was a smidge short and this thing was leaning pretty hard. Having reached for my axe 30 times today and finding it by the last tree I cut down under a bunch of brush I have found myself looking for a belt scabbard. Fancy little $23 hardware store axe lol.

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