Another newbie here, glad to have found this forum! I'm hoping that somebody out there has experience with shredding palm fronds??? I'm on a small island in the South of Thailand where our best resource material for composting and mulching is coconuts and coconut fronds. At present they're burned by 100% of the population and I've got loads of landscape plantings that need mulching and a desire to develop a composting business to produce potting mix to replace that which we have to have trucked/shipped in from Bangkok. I've used a small "home-owner" shredder (8 H.P.) but the blades just dull out in 15 minutes. I've been looking into Bandit/Morbark/Vermeer type shredders but they appear to be overkill! I'd be interested to hear of anyone else's experiences. Any advantage of drum vs. disc in this application? Thanks