Silver maple question

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ArboristSite Member
Sep 29, 2002
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My cousin wants me to prune a silver maple by his house.. This tree is wider then it is tall. There does not apear to be any good high tie in points in it.. the limbs are very long and stacked. . In order to get to the limbs that need to be cut back over the house i would have to tie in on a limb that is about 10 inches around but about 30 feet out on it.. does this sound safe? i have worked on red maples before and sugers but never a silver, i know they are a weak wooded tree. BTW the limb would still be 10 inches around where i would be tied .. just to clear that up sory about that.. . i was just wondering if anyone can give some advice with this. That seems to me like alot of leverage on that limb being tied in so far out on it.. I will try to get something higher and redirect from it but if that doesent work what should i do?

Thanks !
I encounter this problem often on Silver Maples, so I can relate. Being the small fella I am, I have my second TIP under me a couple of feet, or so. My first TIP would, of course, be somewhere behind and above. I work everything out small until I get in the bigger wood down below.