@Erik B , it's my favorite

Some of the smaller stuff is in the house and in the woodstove as we speak
Okay last night I tore into the skidder and removed all the grease, oil, slime, and crud of the front side that could get on the clutch.
I skuffed the clutch with sandpaper after hitting it with brake parts cleaner and did the same to the smooth surface)matting surface of the drum.
I put a nice non directional light scoring on the whole thing.
The only bummer other than getting dirty(I hate getting dirty

)even though I am most all the time, is that I put the drum back in the winch and saw the big spring sitting on the ground

. The bummer was that It took me about 20min to get it out the first time and that I had already attached the cable to the drum.
I was able to take it back apart and get everything to where I realized I messed up at in less than 5min, nice learning curve

If anyone has the Forester 40E and needs a hand taking it apartor has any questions just ask and I will tell you what I can.
Tonight it stalled my tractor when I was pulling the three butt pieces from the tree above and they jammed on the stump

Here are a few pictures of the butt sections(there was two trees that came down) I got three pieces I will try to get milled. The first two pictures are what I was able to cut with one tank with the little ms200 rear handle then everything else was cut with my 550xp. And less than a half tank of fuel. I will bring my 2172 out for the last two cuts on the stump.