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I smoke. Call it an addiction, a habit, whatever. One thing it is not is a weakness. I still run and work out and climb like a maniac.

I am very discreet, a ''considerate smoker'' if you will. I don't smoke at work but if I'm having a few beers on my own time I smoke. Peolpe who have known me for years are surprised to learn that I smoke because I keep it to myself.

What I don't get is all you anti-smoking nazis making such a big deal of it. If you don't smoke fine, if someone elses smoking bothers you tell them, or ask them to stop. End-of-story.
You're an exception, Boston. Sure, smoking does not have to be a weakness, just like anything that can be done in moderation. It's only for the folks who can't control themselves that smoking becomes a weakness. If a person is constantly thinking about and craving his next fix, I can see it as nothing but a weakness.
clearance said:
After spending time in and around hospitals due to being injured or visiting others there I am no longer suprised to see health care workers smoking. Or the large percentage of them who are large, morbidly obese in some cases. I suppose seeing death on a daily basis has little effect.

Yes, it's a strange thing. You see the same thing in the funeral business - gallows humor and a profound desensitization to death.

clearance said:
Mark, you have pretty strong opinions on Wikipedia, look up arborist on it, Arboristsite is a link there, can't speak to other entries but the one about arborist is pretty tame.

Many are quite good. It all depends on the contributors. And that's the point. There are no quality checks. Not to derail this thread, but I know of more than one bona fide experts in their fiedl who have attempted to correct gross errors, only to have the corrections deleted and themselves attacked by anonymous self appointed kings of that particular subject, who reveal by their contributions that they are rank amatuers, probably very young, who don't know what they are doing at all.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread. ;)
What I don't get is all you anti-smoking nazis making such a big deal of it. If you don't smoke fine, if someone elses smoking bothers you tell them, or ask them to stop. End-of-story.

I wish it were the end of the story. It's not that simple. First of all, by the time I ask someone to stop, damage has already been done. The stench of cigarette is ALREADY in my nostrils, my hair, my clothes, and sometimes, my car or house. My asthmatic son has already had his day, and probably his night, ruined by an asthma attack that didn't need to happen.

Can you give me any reason why I should have to put up with that? Can you tell me why I should have to run a guantlet of cigarette smoke just to enter or exit a hospital or office building? (As I've often had to do.) Can you tell me why I should have to have foul odors polluting my meal and beverages in a restaraunt?

Smoking isn't like watching old soap opera re-runs. Disgusting as that may be, it's not a habit that intrudes on others. Smoking is very different. It's a habit that by its very nature is imposed on everyone around.

Also, very often, asking is useless. They simply will not. Asking may even precipitate a fight.

Now what?
The stench of cigarette is ALREADY in my nostrils, my hair, my clothes, and sometimes, my car or house.

Not altogether different from someone with a beat up truck that is burning oil and stinking up my entire neighborhood [

Can you give me any reason why I should have to put up with that? Can you tell me why I should have to run a guantlet of cigarette smoke just to enter or exit a hospital or office building?

see above

Can you tell me why I should have to have foul odors polluting my meal and beverages in a restaraunt?

we don't have that problem in Boston. (smoking ban)

Smoking isn't like watching old soap opera re-runs. Disgusting as that may be, it's not a habit that intrudes on others. Smoking is very different. It's a habit that by its very nature is imposed on everyone around.
there are worse habits

Also, very often, asking is useless. They simply will not. Asking may even precipitate a fight.

good cardio workout

Now what?[/QUOTE]

live and let live. We are in the United States still, right?
The holier than thou and purist positions on the issue are potentially more irritating than second-hand smoke :)

It seems that smoking is not uncommon among treeworkers, kudos to Climber020 for honestly raising the issue.

I'm not a smoker but sometimes I borrow some loose tobacco from my wife for when I'm out in the woods. When mosquitos get really bad I roll one and create a nice cloud of smoke, mosquitos hate it. Tobacco smoke smells sweet in the woods, much better than it does in a house.
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The stench of cigarette is ALREADY in my nostrils, my hair, my clothes, and sometimes, my car or house.

Not altogether different from someone with a beat up truck that is burning oil and stinking up my entire neighborhood
Now you're catching on. Not much different from farting at point blank range in a person's face, either. info comes from my medical books, experiences, and teachings, not an internet site (which after reading it i do not see where i am wrong with the many mentions of politically correct controversy to correct use of terms, in my job we do not use the term "addiction" to associate with weaknesses, habitual forming tendencies, and psychological disorders) which boldly hails the disclaimer of:

"This article or section does not cite its references or sources.
You can help Wikipedia by introducing appropriate citations.Some of the information in this article or section has not been verified and might not be reliable. It should be checked for inaccuracies and modified as needed, citing sources."

....i would also like to add the fact of how many people diagnose themselves from reading the internet, than attempt to treat themselves via internet Rx medication sites that anyone can order prescription drugs from, than wind up in the ER, Hospital, Urgent Care Centers, or 6 ft. under.
in any event i shall stick with the training and education i recieved. i am done with this thread and will leave it by saying if u get ill, go to your Doc, not the Net.....i have to deal everyday with patients that "know it all" and wind up at the facility i work for, so i have no need to deal with it here.
enough said
ok ,you're not wrong.

I still see some one who needs to smoke as having a weakness. Like soda, coffee, gum, beer, sex, lotto tickets or whatever. I have a weakness for coffee, I feel like I'm addicted. If I do not get my fix I'm not 110% ready to work. Can truely addicted smokers be just fine suddenly going with out, there in lies my reasoning for it being a weakness. I'm not saying smokers can't work, I see amazing shape people who smoke who can keep up just fine, so long as they got their smokes.
frashdog said:
ok ,you're not wrong.

I still see some one who needs to smoke as having a weakness. Like soda, coffee, gum, beer, sex, lotto tickets or whatever. I have a weakness for coffee, I feel like I'm addicted. If I do not get my fix I'm not 110% ready to work. Can truely addicted smokers be just fine suddenly going with out, there in lies my reasoning for it being a weakness. I'm not saying smokers can't work, I see amazing shape people who smoke who can keep up just fine, so long as they got their smokes.
I've rarely seen it, but I have seen smokers who do not have a smoking weakness. One of my best friends smoked, but it would take her two months to go through a pack. She could as easily go without as with--she only smoked during highly stressful times. In my experience though, it's 1 in 100 or less that smoke this way.
TreeCo said:
I let a guy go for smoking a few months ago. Every time we were in a vehicle he chain smoked the whole time.

I told him no smoking in the vehicle, that I can't stand it. He said he was going to quit working for me if he couldn't smoke in the vehicle. I asked him if he wanted to go back to the shop now or wait until the day was done. He worked the rest of the day and I paid him off that evening.

I don't believe a lot of smokers know just how bad second hand smoke smells.


Sounds like there were other issues between you and your worker. That's a bit hair-trigger to say I quit if I can't blow smoke in your face. Straw that broke the camel's back?
If you have a good worker who is a smoker ... then it's possible to have an even greater worker who is a non-smoker.

No smoking in my vehicles. And how many times do you see smokers with a *** hanging out of their gob whilst they're sawing, fueling, dragging etc ... all the time, regardless of what you say.

The thing I have noticed about a lot of smokers is they treat the rest of the world like their ashtray.

The total taxes raised from tobacco sales in Australia is in the $7billion region. The total health cost associated with medical care for smokers is in the $10 billion region.

Smokers are not paying their way.

Slowly the "right" to smoke in public is going. No smoking on our beaches, pubs, restuarants, malls, playgrounds, sporting events etc.

Wait till you have little kids and they see this filthy habit, it aint that easy to explain what's going on. We just tell them that cigarettes are poison and those people are killing themselves but dont care for their life.

Cigarettes are not a relaxant, that's another falacy. Nicotine increases your metabalism by around 20% ... hence smokers are usually thinner. It increases your heartbeat, shortens your breath and lung capacity ... if you think you are relaxed when smoking your are another fool of advertising or conned by wives tales. Do not confuse relaxation with relief of a nicotine craving.

Smokers beware, your days are numbered and rightfully so. You are a worse worker, higher health and absenteeism risk than a non smoker. If you think you're good at your job now, wait till you dont smoke, you'll be a legend.
I usually only use this site to gather Info and learn new things, but this time I Have to reply!!! I see a lot off people spewing about someone else's habit, what about your monster? Every man has one that must be fed , and if you say you don't your only lieing to yourself!
I do admit I do have an addiction which up till now I have been unable to break.(I have been trying) I have not been trying for YOU or Yours and my reasons are purely my own. If I shhould decide to continue to smoke who are you to tell me otherwise!!!! If you don't like it move away from ME!!!! I have traveled all over the world and visited multiple combat zones so that you and people like you Have the right to push to limit my rights!!!!! Let me know where that makes sense!!!!!!!!:angry2:
stranger217 said:
I usually only use this site to gather Info and learn new things, but this time I Have to reply!!! I see a lot off people spewing about someone else's habit, what about your monster? Every man has one that must be fed , and if you say you don't your only lieing to yourself!
I do admit I do have an addiction which up till now I have been unable to break.(I have been trying) I have not been trying for YOU or Yours and my reasons are purely my own. If I shhould decide to continue to smoke who are you to tell me otherwise!!!! If you don't like it move away from ME!!!! I have traveled all over the world and visited multiple combat zones so that you and people like you Have the right to push to limit my rights!!!!! Let me know where that makes sense!!!!!!!!:angry2:
Smoking is not a right. Breathing clean air in public is.
I had created this list in hopes of employers adopting something like it as opposed to none smoking. Every employer is different and if they say no smoking in the truck fine I don't. They paid for it and I should respect that. You would get pissed if someone throw your brand new climbing rope in the mud after you told them to not get it dirty.

If you are a non-smoking nazi I personally can give a rats @ss about what you think. You are not opened minded to see both sides of the picture.
Yes I understand there are heath issues for some. I have family like this and we don't smoke in the house when they are there or before they come.

Now if and only if you have an open mind lets get back to what I was try to prove in the first place. Would employers be will to adopt similiar rules as opposed to a smoking ban.

We all do things everyday that are a HEALTH RISK to someone else. SO do you damn NAZI's ride your bike to work or walk? NO. Why? Because you know you can't fill your pockets with wood chips and am not gonna loads up your Huffy with saws and ropes and all. OK here is another. Do you cut anything with a chainsaw and the sawdust lands on the ground. YES. You are polluting the soil with oil. Do you use 100% bio-degradible products? NO. So to think about the KIDS now you are polluting the lands fills all over the world with your plastics and foam that will never break down and you will only leave a dirtier world when you leave for them to try to clean up.

OK now lets see......employers think smoking makes there employees look less professional, right? Well this is a profession and we can concider ourselves professionals but I know I don't and I am sure no one else wheres a suit and tie to work everyday to look professional. I would consider tree work to be a sort of trade skill. In these type of jobs there is more of a layed back style of working. I am sure someone on here has to agree with me on this or at least see what I am trying to say here.

Please everyone just think for a second. I think I posted the same line in my original post. I am just trying to make a better company image will still keeping in mind the life style of workers. As well I am trying to keep job production up so people cannot complain that smokers are slackers.
Forgot to mentions about the people that do tree work that are worried about there heath. This is just a news flash in case you didn't know. This is a dangerous job and poeple die and get injured on a regular basis. So if you are that concerned with you wealth over all you may like to think of a different profession. Smoking kills you slowly...but god forbid it happens at work it will be anything but slow.
Also I don't wish to offend anyone that has or knows someone that has been injured or killed in this line of work.
Climb020 said:
Do you cut anything with a chainsaw and the sawdust lands on the ground. YES. You are polluting the soil with oil.
Would you cut wood in someone's freshly tilled garden, and pile the sawdust all over thier flowers? And, even this is not comparable. Cutting wood has a legitimate reason. Number one is the customer is paying you to do so.

I don't have a problem with people who want to smoke, as long as they do it on their own time on their own property. If they weigh the value of a nicotine fix against a slow, painful death and want the nicotine, that's their business. I'm not one to make quantity over quality decisions for anyone. However, if they litter the ground with their butts and insist on polluting my lungs, I do have a problem with it.
spacemule said:
Would you cut wood in someone's freshly tilled garden, and pile the sawdust all over thier flowers? And, even this is not comparable. Cutting wood has a legitimate reason. Number one is the customer is paying you to do so.

Yes they are paying you to cut the wood not destroy their property. Use a tarp or some kind of plastic cover. I just mentioned this to fuel the fire but I have been asked to not get saw dust on the grass and had to put down a tarp and I am sure I am not the only one.
Climb020 said:
Yes they are paying you to cut the wood not destroy their property. Use a tarp or some kind of plastic cover. I just mentioned this to fuel the fire but I have been asked to not get saw dust on the grass and had to put down a tarp and I am sure I am not the only one.
Isn't limiting smoking to your own time similar to putting a tarp down for the customer?
stranger217 said:
I usually only use this site to gather Info and learn new things, but this time I Have to reply!!! I see a lot off people spewing about someone else's habit, what about your monster?

What's that got to do with THIS subject?

Answer: Nothing. It's a way of avoiding the issue.

stranger217 said:
Have the right to push to limit my rights!!!!! Let me know where that makes sense!!!!!!!!:angry2:

Your right to smoke ends at my nose. Simple as that. When you can keep it to yourself, you have the right to do it. Live on a large property so that your smoke doesn't bother anyone else? Have at it - you have the right to do that.

You do NOT have the right to pollute anyone else's air. Breathing is not optional. Smoking is.
moss said:
Sounds like there were other issues between you and your worker. That's a bit hair-trigger to say I quit if I can't blow smoke in your face. Straw that broke the camel's back?

Just look at some of the responses in this thread. Some smokers, after years of shoving their filthy habit down everyone else's windpipe and getting away with it, are very angry that the tables are finally turning.

Why, some of them are even so insane as to think they have the RIGHT to do so!

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