We have red and yellow rat snakes galore.Had a red rat snake coiled around the sliding glass door handle for some reason while my wife went to close the door.Perfect.
you are a complete and ignorant foolNo matter the species it plays no useful part in the woods nor home.
There's no reason to insult Bill, it's like chastising someone for claustrophobia.you are a complete and ignorant fool
Please tell me how I am. As I said I would love to have a respectful debate on what value a snake has in nature. What am I ignorant of?you are a complete and ignorant fool
I am not much on confined spaces either. I would never own a house with a crawlspace, might be a snake under there ya know. As for spiders about 4:30 this morning I went to shower and there was a big ole wolf spider in the tub. I went to scoop him up and the son of gun went my arm, I got him though and put him in a better place, dead of course.There's no reason to insult Bill, it's like chastising someone for claustrophobia.
No matter the species it plays no useful part in the woods nor home.
Please tell me how I am. As I said I would love to have a respectful debate on what value a snake has in nature. What am I ignorant of?
A rat snake can eat 9-12 pounds worth of rodents in a year. Think about how many ticks are potentially on 9 lbs of rodents. Speaking of ticks, Some smaller species consume up to 4000 ticks in a single year. They have been proven to help control the grasshoper population which can be incredibly invasive.Please tell me how I am. As I said I would love to have a respectful debate on what value a snake has in nature. What am I ignorant of?
Yes indeedThe only good snake is a dead one.
No sir I am not.Are you kidding????
We are the top dog although sometimes I do wonder.What value do humans have in nature, Bill?
Maybe we should all be eradicated!
(Actually, I'm okay with that, as long as it's every last one of our subspecies.)
How about a Boa or a Python?A rat snake can eat 9-12 pounds worth of rodents in a year. Think about how many ticks are potentially on 9 lbs of rodents. Speaking of ticks, Some smaller species consume up to 4000 ticks in a single year. They have been proven to help control the grasshoper population which can be incredibly invasive.
It is well documented they play a role in controlling pests and rodents. We've had this conversation before, and you weren't convinced then, so I wouldn't expect you to be convinced now, but there are many credible sources published that have documented a snakes important role in nature.
It's just a matter of whether you want to educate yourself or not.
What does that have to do with value?We are the top dog although sometimes I do wonder.
Without humans many species would cease to exist.What does that have to do with value?
Can you truthfully say you have gleaned even a speck of INHERENT/INTRISIC VALUE within existence?
Value is an assigned property from the perspective of the observer. Nothing really matters.
Without humans many species would cease to exist.