You just reminded me of one of the funniest events in my life.
Dark humor, but hillarious!
During training exercises in the dessert, it's not uncommon for Marines to "Suppliment" the MRE's a bit, even if the wildlife IS federally protected under severe penaltys. 30 days or so of nothing but water and MRE's will make ya hungry for dead critter, penaltys be damned.
Long story short, one of the Scout observers in out little plt. decided the big Pacific Red Rattler that woke him up one morning by crawling under his sleeping bag, would make a good breakfast. So he smacked the poor snake "Dead" with several blows on the head, and proudly announced, "this is how we skin 'em back home in Florida", and proceeded to collar the snake, put it's head in his mouth and pulling the skin off, when he stopped all of a sudden and flung the snake,then proceeded to cussing and spitting blood.. Somehow in the death throws, the thing had bitten his tongue.
By the time the ruckus got the Doc outta the rack, and the Lt, away from the ##### box, his tongue was swelling up and we were having a hell of a time keeping him from running around freaking out.
It took a good ten min., but he quit moving so much when his airway was mostly blocked, and doc got the T-handled airway gizzie jammed into his throat. 20 Min later the dust off got there just as Doc was finishing cutting his airway open and jamming a Krico ventilator in. The goofus lived, LOL!!
Ever since that day, the Official Pre-operation safety brief was changed from "Don't shake the unexploded ordnance or Kick the snakes" to "Don't kick the Bombs or bite the snakes". LOL!!!
The irony of it all, the poor Jarhead recovered and met us back at Pendleton in time to get Busted down a pay grade for "Destruction of Govt. Property"(Himself), and "Disturbing protected wildlife"(The poor snake). LOL!
So be carefull with that Camp Elgin ritual.
Besides, they skin better from the buttons forward

Stay safe!