Ancient Valley Oak. Apparently no maintenance on it for at least 10 years, probably more. Most lower branches have grown out and are resting on the ground for support. A couple months ago, this one branch that the tree had held above ground cracked and the far end is now down. I have been asked to remove the branch without further damage to the tree. The branch is at least 40 ft long and 4 ft diameter at the point of the crack. It makes a bow probably 10 ft above ground, 10 ft out from the trunk. I feel that if I just cut at the crack the limb will pivot and hit (damage) the trunk.
Picture this branch as your right arm - bent at the elbow and being supported by your thumb, pointer and little finger.
Here is my idea:
After trimming all of the excess branches beyond the ground support points I figured I could make some under and over cuts a foot or two beyond the split area, then cut off the "pinky finger" branch and maybe some "pointer finger". This would then get the branch to roll over into the direction I need it to go without damaging the tree trunk itsef, breaking off where I made the sacrificial cuts. Then I could clean up the damaged area at the split on the trunk.
I would have ropes and be tied off to help the branch roll in the desired direction.
Here are a couple of pics that hopefully show what I am dealing with, and I look forward to all of your ideas and input!
Am I on the right track or do any of the real experts here have some input for me?