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Nice full day...

in the rain. =(

Started off on one job, murdered a pine and a poplar, all done by 10:30. Still raining.

Got to the second job about noon, all fine-pruning/deadwooding to 20 or so trees, from small ornamentals to 80' plus trees. 4 hours later with a 4-man crew, in the rain, done.

Would have been a pretty good day, except for... rain. :laugh:
Originally posted by rborist1
Butchy zen wan,

Everything gets by John..............but not lil ol me!

Hey play nice, us Alberta boy's got to stick together:cool:
Grew up just outside of Drayton Valley
Glad to hear it Rborist. Husky has 19 362XPG's left. You might be able to get one from your Husky dealer for 625 CDN. I was thinking of buying them all and pedaling them below the border, but the exchange is too low to give much of a deal. Ed is building me a 7900 Dolmar, as if I need another saw.
25'' is perfect for 46.....''it doesnt matter if you win by an inch or a mile winnings,winning''who said that?
removed 2 ash 60' 3 alders 30' 2 cypress20' and trimmed a few others along the way,they got alteced,got some water side murders tommorow:cool:


I climbed up a tree....rain stopped for 1/2 an hour, long enough
to try everything out. Exellent....

The new rope is slippery,and my old prussic loops are way to long, but that will change real soon. Got a few meters of cord, different colors, coming with my flipline tommorow and the rope will get a fast thrasing with a few "contras" as soon as it slows down to a reasonable "pouring" with rain:mad:

The ground will be way to wet here for the next couple of days,
to go bush,so it's worked in well...

009 will take a bit of getting used to AGAIN But before I met an 020 one day, it's all I ever used... I'm not complaining im in the trees again(safely). Toni's got a 4wd to get around in,the kids love it and I get my truck back compleat with brand spanking new motor.....Yes, I told some of you, but The misses blew up the truck :confused: It dident like the extra 200 klms a day we have been doing latley...

How I come to have this other motor,is a histericial story for another time..

Thanks again guys for all your help and support...Derek...
you should tell Derek(about the motor)heres a mate of mine world champ boxer,man hes funny!when he got inducted into hall of fame he didnt have the $ for the trip,so whats he do RING THE PRIME MINISTER LOL,"ah can i get a few dollars,got to go to some do in america'',funnily enough he gave him the money but said''only this once'' wise move LOL true story.

Thats Lional Rose!! SUPERSTAR downunder...

O.k there all asleep over there anyway...

As I seem to have every dead,dying and dessesed DYNA in the southern hemisphere( little 3 ton trucks) I got a call from one of our native freinds, he needed to "get a few bits" for his coaster bus (runs the same engine)..Cool, the wife was happy, allways keen to disolve the DYNASCLUB from down the back...

I dropped in a head and a set of conrods to the engine shop for him...A couple of weeks later he and his tribe pile in and off they go. They pick up the caravan thats been in storage, and head back to the shack they've being camping in..

"On the pizz" (great aussie expression) they got, and got, and got...Once they all passed out, the candel in the van did as most candels do, and started a fire in the van....The people in the house saved the people in the van, but the van in turn set fire to the house....UHF raidos are very common here and while us rural fighters are on the way(town guys will be 40-50mins) I keep getting updates from the seen....

I had a pretty good idea of what to expect when we got there..

Van engulffed---house engulfed---back of coasterbus on fire HMMMMM (the pri#k never did pay me for the head) "COME ON GUYS WE CAN SAVE THE MOTOR"....i'm out there, swinging a chain with a grappel hook, hooks on to the back of our fire truck.."'DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE" the lads are out with the hoses..
We saved the motor...Bits of burning caravan falling off everywhere...Chit it must of looked funny..

"WHAT ABOUT THE BLOODY HOUSE" the sober ones are yelling...
"Have a bloody look at it" I yell back "nothing I can do" ...but the motor now thats worth saving...

There was your "odd complaint" it seems about the incedent...."Arnt they suppossed to do somthing about the house?"
I had to front up to the regional cheif about it to (first for me?)

He was so stokked that I scored a good motor for my truck."Bout bloody time you got somthing out of all the chit you do for us"
and laughfed our heads off about all the gossip floating around..Could you imagine some of the stories floating around a small place like this?...I couldent.. but hey I got a new motor with 42klms on it , and old mate that had the bus..If the guy whose house he burnt down catches up with him, lets just say i could easily get 500k out of the engine before he'll want it back...

As far as the homeowner went, he was happy for all the burnt stuff to be out of there...

I'll put its new engine number on the forms tommorow...been busy as a lizzed drinkin, got to go check out whats been going on around here...Best of luck,Derek...
Originally posted by Jumper
Frances has arrived with up to five inches of rain expected before nightfall. Needless to say an indoors kinda day.

Ya ditto that!
I guess we shouldn't complain but we just get some rain so we can't work and they get so much that they have to much work or no trees to work on!!!!!:angry:
Ah we are never happy!

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