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Came into town (Toronto) Thursday night, played a little hockey yesterday and drove my parents to Pearson International this morning so they could catch a flight to San Diego. Sitting here on my butt contemplating the drive back to the trailer this afternoon.Gotta like Staurdays. I have a job interview Monday so see what will happen....
Saturday afternoon maple trim that was a favor for a friend of a friend. There was never any mention of paying us but it was fun to do anyway.
This limb wasn't growing straight up and down and it was over the driveway so there really wasn't any choice but to cut it off.:rolleyes:
Bring out the beers. This guy spent the night before in the drunk tank. He says that he got tangled up with a large native fellow and the guards had to come in and slam the two of them to the floor. I thought it was pretty funny.:D
Here's an ash trim from Friday. It's not often we even see the blue sky this "summer". That's all for now.
That driveway limb looked like it had a good lateral you coulda cut it back to. It had to go just because it was over the driveway?

Keep posting!:)
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
That driveway limb looked like it had a good lateral you coulda cut it back to. It had to go just because it was over the driveway?

Yeah I know I could have made more of an effort to remove less wood. I think I was more concerned with trying to put on a good show for my buddy that I got caught up in the moment and just kept cutting.
Originally posted by Stumper
Matthias, You need a better class of friend.:angel:

Yeah but true friends are hard to come by so you have to be happy with what you have. I've known him since high school and stood up for him at his wedding. He's pretty much the last of my old friends that I still talk to on a weekly basis.:blob1:

(I feel obligated to use these stupid smilies even though I don't know what the heel half of them are supposed to signify.:confused: )
Matt, the smilies are important for relaying emotions/whatnot via this one-dimensional media.

Do you understand???:angry: :angry: :angry:


Do you understand??? :)
:Eye: had that much figured Butch.:blush: But a few:alien: of the other ones:p are a bit vague. I suppose it is just a matter of creativity. Or how much you want to annoy those people on dial up.
Don't sweat it. Nice site by the way although I noticed not all of your pictures are in there. Such as....
Ha! Trust me, my guy is working on it! He's just busy, and he wants to do it up right. My only control is what I tell him on the phone.

Oh BTW, the guy is Smeagol... :blob2:
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
That driveway limb looked like it had a good lateral you coulda cut it back to. It had to go just because it was over the driveway?
Nice to see good pictures, thanks for posting.

Big wound left on trunk is bound to hollow out. That loss of strength right under a major fork...could be you'll be doing another favor in a few years, hazard tree removal. :( (This means sad.)

MB was dead right about cutting to a lateral. (wink) ;) Next time why not dazzle your buds with your limbwalking and tip-pruning tree-preserving techniques, and leave the chain saw/boat anchor on the ground..

But don't get mad :angry:, I'm just an aggravating alien :alien: arboriste on the climbing forum.