So whadja do today?

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Took down another cottonwood, attached is a picture of my "log skidder". The dirt around the tree was too soft to get my bucket truck to, so I had to drag the logs to the road.
I haven't been watching for a few days then drop by to see a few of you not using pulleys ... tch tch tch.

Jimbo, spread the load, multiple pulleys on fasle crotches if need be, pulls the tree together adding strength.

Stehansen, what costs more, the pulley or your rope? Because for me the pulleys are cheaper, affix with cow hitch, simple way is use a loop of rope, have a look how I attach the porty, it's not even a loop of rope just a length, you can do same for the pulley attachment, have you seen the video?

Come on guys, is rough enough good enough these days. You all know better. 11.14MB streaming version even OK for dial up dudes. :)
No worries mate, just stirring you guys up as this is AS and you know what the "auditors & experts" are like here.
Thanks Ekka, I need an instructional video on how to get the customer to commit to having the work done. Of course I have seen your video, wouldn't miss one. I already know how to tie a cow hitch and a timber hitch, but I still like to watch your video.
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Today we took out 9 35-45' locusts. They stabbed the hell out of me, lots of wood. No Fun, luckily they have about 35 more they want to get rid of.... Wish I had enough money to turn it down... Oh well, could be worse.
bottlefed89 said:
Today we took out 9 35-45' locusts. They stabbed the hell out of me, lots of wood. No Fun, luckily they have about 35 more they want to get rid of.... Wish I had enough money to turn it down... Oh well, could be worse.

Are they those horror tress with all the 2" spikes on them?
2" I wish. Some are more like 5", 2" may be the norm, but thesethings were nasty. I'll take some pics of them when I go back to estimate the removal of the rest.
Bodean said:
Mr Palm Slayer what kind of birds are in the background of your porty movie?

They're Rainbow Lorikeets ... plenty of them around, here's a pic.

Well it's only 10.30 over here and iv'e already felled 3 huge moma's down in the woods with ma ity bitty 500hp mega ball pincher world record saw,and chit no way did i run from the trees when i most certainly cut through ma hinge !!!!..
i'll get some pics in the next few days.........there are parakeet nests in brooklyn. they build their nest up on utility poles around the transformers for the heat. the story goes they escaped from a shipment at kennedy airport about 12-15 years ago. some how they adapted and make it through the north east winters. i know of around 30 nests.
TreeCo said:
I thought I felt a draft. Now where is my t-shirt from that other site.
You mean the "Scuze Me While I Kiss This Guy", TShirt?
Not sure, but I think I saw some dude wearing it at a gay pride parade and was eating a Big Mac.

Anyway, here's what I did today. I dumped an Ash tree and sawed thru the holdingwood, just because I could.

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