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How can I be wrong about something I never stated?Of course you know it does because I provided as much to you. You simply don't want to admit you are wrong.
Nope, I'm merely pointing out your incorrect statement of the subject.To be clear are you disputing the combustion of Ethanol doesn't for form aldahydes? Because it's a absolute fact that it indeed does.
Read the highlighted paragraph below. I think a reasonable person would come to the conclusion that the formation of formaldehyde in a chainsaw muffler is not likely.

I'm certainly not concerned about the miniscule levels of pollutants emitted from the exhaust of my O. P. E., If I were I would not be operating any kind of O. P. E. with out a hazmat suit.Most chainsaws don't have a catalytic converter and none have a 3 way catalyst.
So no its not mute. You are running a high percentage ethanol mix because you are paranoid about minute levels of benzene, only to expose yourself to something just as bad and in much higher levels.
I run E30 for the performance boost, cooler cleaner burn characteristics and low odor. I also like that there is less B.T.E.X. in all of my fuel.
The discussion was about the damage falsely attributed to Ethanol, that are in fact caused by the B.T.E.X. chemicals. You brought out the word "Formaldehyde" and I decided to bust your chops for it.