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Hogwash. It's not White Oak, it's not Red Oak, but standing next to the stove in the evening after being outside in 10* weather for a few hours your ass can not tell the difference.
Besides, I never said it's the best, or even close to it. I said it's fine firewood and I sell a lot of it with absolutely no complaints.
Well, I do have one 83 year old man who wants none of it. He insists it will not burn in his stove.
He also wants no Ash, burns too quick.
Another wants ONLY white wood like Maple and Ash, no Oak.
Another wants anything but white birch..
And some would ****** if you hung them with a new rope.
Glad you brought the subject up OT: my ass can tell the difference. It is a smart one.
It is sensitive to species in our stoves ( 4 ).
My ass since you are concerned about it :msp_ohmy:, also knows the worked species when felling, bucking, limbing, splitting, stacking, burning.
It is a good ass, that many times has been saved ( as in "saved your ass" ), and has saved many other *****.
So, leave the ass alone, it has great value. So get off my ass OT.
Complaints redux. :hmm3grin2orange:
P.S. "Hogwash" ?