Fordsoll said:
If you are set on a Solid Steel bar then Granberg (GB) And Tsumura make them, even some Husqvarna bars are made by GB.
Just to set the record straight, GB bars are NOT made by Granberg.
GB is an Australian company, they do produce Very Good bars. I don’t know if they are still the supplier for longer Husqvarna bars, but in the past they produced Husqvarna branded bars in 44”, 50”, 60” and 72”.
Unfortunately, the 50” bars went NLA( No Longer Available) before I bought one, the 50” is still available (last time I checked) from GB, with their own branding, but the price had gone up substantially, plus shipping from Australia, I couldn’t justify the cost at the time, and I haven’t researched the current prices
I own three GB bars, the 44”, 60”, and 72”and I have been Very Happy with the 44”, I haven’t needed the 60” and 72” bars yet, that tree escaped me

, although I do wish that I had gotten the 50”, while they were still available in the USA

I have felt that GB bars and Granberg Milling equipment have both been worth the extra price, compared to other cheaper options

The 60” GB bar mounted in my 3120XP

The 44” bar on the 3120XP, mounted in my 48” Granberg Mill, the 50” bar that eluded me, would have come very close to maxing out the 48” mill, the 44” bar leaves a lot of capacity unusable with the 48” mill, but is a great bar for my 36” mill

The Big Maple

, that partly got away,
This was across the street from me, the neighbor was going to give me the whole thing (Simon’s Tree Service, put it on the ground), but he ended up getting an offer for the trunk from the butt to just below the crotch. I did get all the rest of the usable logs

Milling one log from a Spruce that a Friend of my Wife had cut down. I’m Glad we did a drive by before going to cut it up, she told my Wife, that it was “Oh, about 40’ tall “.

uhm, Mary, that’s closer to 40” Diameter, than it is 40’ tall. Yeah, I was thinking a 50cc saw, and 45 minutes or less to cut and load, NOPE.

A spur of the moment project that I left for Mary, really too low to be a table, and kinda wide to be a bench, but it just “looked right “ in that spot, and Mary was really tickled when she saw it