Dragged this Rex out. Tag says it began life as a Super Rex and the carb supports that. However, the cylinder was swapped to a non auto-oiling 125cc cylinder. I messed with it briefly several years ago but set it aside. I got a replacement auto-oiling cylinder recently so I decided to finish it. Swapped the oiler stuff as well-pump and valve were worn. Had to switch tanks. The original leaked. Had to find the right style. Some are notched for the handle, some are not. Finally, it loved ripping the starter handle out of my hand. Found the points set too wide. Reset to .020 and it fired right up. All I am missing is the thin aluminum fuel tank guard. And, it would be cool to find a Super Rex top end to make it original. I still have the carb and the case has the proper tag.
Chris B.

Chris B.