Hi Dennis......This is Susie here....I've been dying to tell you about how I would find my way out of an avalanche ever since John read me your post tonight. John has decided that he never wants to get stuck in an avalanche with me. I asked him why? He said, "Well if it were up to you.....you would get us asphixiated!" The reason he said that is....I told him that if I were buried in my vehicle under 20 ft of snow that I would simply leave the motor running so we could melt our way out. He looked at me and said, "What? Are you crazy?" I asked him what was wrong with my idea, and he said, "Well the first thing is....if you left the vehicle running we would die of carbonmonixide poisoning......Better known as asphixiated!
Oh Well, I was blonde when I was little
CB (Susie)
P.S, Gypo here... I caught Susie staring at an orange juice container and asked her why, she just said that is says "concentrate", on the box.