Some people

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put a chicken coop and 6 hogs in a lot as close as you can to her, the tell her to #### off
It's always the best policy to get along with the neighbors until they cross the line on what is reasonable.

This is real close to crossing that line.

I would let this cool a bit, then diplomatically ask them if they want to discuss this further. Make initial contact via telephone and set up meeting over a beer in afternoon, or coffee in themorning. If they decline, then tell them to pound sand and start promptly at 8am diligently.

Maybe invite your Sheriff buddy to join this meet-n-greet. Informally of course.
There is no excuse for this woman's lack of manners, but you might consider giving her a second chance to make a first impression. It could just be she's a little rattled from the construction process, which can be very stressful. Not trying to defend her at all, just sayin'.
Some people are just idiots. My grandparents live on the 50 acre farm my grandpa was born and raised on and my grandpa had a new house built and continued to farm the land. He had some cows,pigs,horses,etc..and a developer bought all the land around him but my grandpa refused to sell his property(even went to court and won)so they built the subdivision around him. All the yuppies moving into the $500k houses complained about the smell of manure and whatever else they could complain about. This resulted in more court for my grandparents and in court the yuppies told my grandpa "if you want to have a farm move to the country" so Grandpa fired back with "listen you sums-a-b*****s when i was born on this farm 72 years ago it WAS the country. The judge slammed down the gavel and said case dismissed. Grandpas last word leaving court were "i got cows to milk and manure to spread.
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Tell her straight out to kiss your butt, you were there fist, have more property than her and she can go have her way with herself. I bet her ole man is a girlyboy to top it all off! :msp_scared: :laugh:

Tell her straight out to kiss your butt, you were there fist, have more property than her and she can go have her way with herself. I bet her ole man is a girlyboy to top it all off! :msp_scared: :laugh:


I find most of today's country and western music to be sickeningly commercial and cheezy, but that song just nails it.

I don't think hardly any of today's music is worth a s##t.
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When anyone I don't know approaches any of our work sites I start speaking with a strong hair lip and suddenly develop itches below the Mason-####son line, usually only saying "I no understand" and "my doggie died"...they are usually frustrated and gone within a minute or two.
I doubt very seriously you're going to reason with her, I'd just continue life as normal. I would not go out of my way to make her miserable, but next time she came over spouting off, then it's time to tell her that this is my land, don't like it...Move. then go back to what you were doing. If you are out of city limits and no laws regarding noise, then whats she gonna do. move or tolerate it.
I have an acre and a third in a used to be country neighborhood. My wonderful next door neighbor for the past 27 years just moved. New neighbors just moved in, from Connecticut. He was tearing down the wheel chair ramp John needed to get in the house, and was all dirty and sweaty. His wife was looking at all the projects to do. We waved over the fence and said "Hi". They offered a beer as we talked man tools and stump grinders and fixing up their new house. They invited us in to see all the work they had done so far, and FOX NEWS was on the big screen. I didn't know they had Fox in Connecticut? Then she pointed to the Tea Party flag on the deck. Thank you Lord, I think I have new GOOD neighbors. The only fault I have found is Wally drinks light beer. In a couple weeks I'm gonna turn him onto my favorite "Stoudts Octoberfest", and go from there, Joe.
Maybe we need an I hate my neighbor section.

Nah, don't try to get along with your neighbor. Rile them up even more. I mean, you really need to annoy somebody even more. Somebody who you might need to rely on in the future should you get hurt or something.

It's called COMPROMISE people. Now, if you were a real man, you'd forget your inviting the good ol'boys out to shoot, and actually maybe try to cooperate and have a quiet weekend. Listen to your wife. She's got the right idea.

By the way, around here, it is usually the folks who just moved here from the city who are pompous idiots and constantly make noise. Those of us who have been raised in the sticks, appreciate the quiet and don't push it till all hours, any day of the week. We have jobs and many work in noisy occupations. Yes, there is shooting and saws but not every day, not all hours.

Shame on you and others for planning on ratcheting up a mild conflict. That's how some little disagreements end up in a murder (war in the case of big countries) and prison. Or, for a milder conflict, lawyers fees for both of you.
Nobody is suggesting breaking any laws, and it is very unlikely a person like this will ever be a friend.

Anybody notice that the idea of compromise is always nothing short of totally pandering the opposite view?

The squeaky wheel always gets the oil. I for one have had it with self centered morons who think it's their duty to endow us dumb uneducated peasants with their brand of ideals.

If you're not doing anything wrong, by reasonable standards, screw it, just do it.
This stuff happens a lot around my way - people buy an acre next to a 500 acre farm and get all up set during planting, harvest and hunting season. real estate agents have to disclose that people are buying property next to a farm - people are so stupid anymore -but thank god the govt is here to keep us from making mistakes (sarcasm)
The way I see it is if city folk move to the country, then they need to adapt! Not us adapt to them! If they really wanted peace an solitude, then they should have built on the other end of their property or for that matter right smack in the middle removing only an amount of trees to put their shack. It's not hard to get a basic view from above these days, just use Google Maps and it will show the area. In satellite mode it shows how the roads and the trees, in map mode it usually shows the property lines. (not that they are accurate) but it would give them an idea of where they are building. Then coming out and looking at everything should have given them the idea that perhaps it would not be advisable to build right next to your property. (especially if she could hear banjo playing in the distance ......... think the movie "Deliverance")

The thing is, if someone comes onto my property acting like a raging bull like this lady has, I can assure you I will take a stand. Now if that lady would come over with a case of beer and want to share, well, I'd be thinking that just might be the start of having a good neighbor. At least they're attempting to get off on the right foot.

To me the idea of a dawn firewood get together sounds great and the same for a late night shooting match. The city folk need to learn their place, either adapt or go back to the city where they belong.

There is no compromise when only one benefits!
Maybe we need an I hate my neighbor section.

Nah, don't try to get along with your neighbor. Rile them up even more. I mean, you really need to annoy somebody even more. Somebody who you might need to rely on in the future should you get hurt or something.

It's called COMPROMISE people. Now, if you were a real man, you'd forget your inviting the good ol'boys out to shoot, and actually maybe try to cooperate and have a quiet weekend. Listen to your wife. She's got the right idea.

By the way, around here, it is usually the folks who just moved here from the city who are pompous idiots and constantly make noise. Those of us who have been raised in the sticks, appreciate the quiet and don't push it till all hours, any day of the week. We have jobs and many work in noisy occupations. Yes, there is shooting and saws but not every day, not all hours.

Shame on you and others for planning on ratcheting up a mild conflict. That's how some little disagreements end up in a murder (war in the case of big countries) and prison. Or, for a milder conflict, lawyers fees for both of you.

Great idea. I'll just ask the woman to make a list of the things she will allow me to do and make a schedule of times I'm allowed to do them.
I'll quit my job so I can be at home during the week and get the noisy stuff done when she's not around.
I'll makes sure we have everything we need for the weekend before Friday so we can stay home and not drive on our road.
If she's going to be out for an entire week, I'll take my family to a Motel and stay there until she goes home.
Yeah, compromise, good idea.

If the woman had approached me in a civil manner and explained the problem she was having with the noise, I would have been happy to listen. That's not how it went down. She demanded that I stop what I was doing. She is of the belief that her need of quiet is more important than my need of heat. Bad assumption on her part.
Coming to my home and telling me what I can and can't do is not going to work. Everything I do is legal. There are no noise ordinances, there are no dust ordinances. I cut wood to keep my family warm in the winter. Unless someone offers to heat my home, that's not going to change.

I don't invite confrontation but I'm not going to back away from it when I'm right. Some self righteous, self absorbed witch with delusions of grandeur is not going to dictate how I live my life.

The shooting and cutting will commence as planned.
You can not, and will not ever reason with a condescending, arrogant snob like her. You have a long unpleasant battle ahead of you I'm afraid. Your shooting range- a few smashed bottles on the rocks and some errant fireworks might convince her to re-think her choice of location.:D

Although I like your ideas, the last thing I want to do is give her any reason for legal recourse. This is a battle that will be fought strictly within legal boundaries.
I can't believe you packed up and quit, I would have shrugged my shoulder and kept sawing. She would have eventually gotten tired of trying to yell over a chainsaw and left.
Do you live on a dirt road? If so I can't believe she's stupid enough to think that you can drive on it without dust.


Our spring and summer was wet. It's only been the last month that things have dried up and the dust has gotten bad.
This stuff happens a lot around my way - people buy an acre next to a 500 acre farm and get all up set during planting, harvest and hunting season. real estate agents have to disclose that people are buying property next to a farm - people are so stupid anymore -but thank god the govt is here to keep us from making mistakes (sarcasm)

Our county wrote apamphlet pointing out the facts of life in the country and stressing that the farmer was here first. Not sure but I think local real estate dealers are required to pass it out to prospective buyers.

Harry K

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