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Yes. Just think, she is much more tacky than the OP, who is spouting off on the internet!

I'm not sure where you are goin with this, but if you read what I posted before you would see that I think he did right by not spouting off at the lady. Getting on here and venting is a lot better than cussing out someone(even though she was totally in the wrong and trespassing) and I for one am curious to see if she comes back telling the property owner what to do on his property. Maybe she is a gubment worker and feels she has that right to do so, but last time I checked we still have some of our rights and he can and I hope will continue to saw on his property. The day some Dub-T comes on my property and tells me to stop sawing is the day I call the police and report a trespasser. This should be a safe place to vent and get advice and support from other woodcutters both men and women before someone makes a rash decision. Granted there was a lot of things posted that were saying to do this and that to pizz the lady off but I'm sure it was mostly free entertainment by the posters.
I say just go about your business like you always have, it is too late to do much else without being the "bad guy" in this situation. I only have one close neighbor and when I purchased my acreage he came over to introduce himself and explain that he was getting ready to build a shop that was too close to the lot line and he needed a variance, I explained to him that my policy was to not get involved in other peoples business and I expected the same, I told him that he could build anything he wanted and I had no problem with it...just don't cross the line or I will move it with the dozer, he understood I was not kidding and for four years there has been no issues until last week when the guy that is logging his property strayed over the line and got about half a dozen of my maples, I calmly approached him and let him know what happened and that I saw it as an honest mistake and he understood that it could not happen again. I also made sure I remarked that side of my property so the border was clear.
For all you manly "I live in the country" folks. Our population is growing. You are going to have to get along--play well with others or you will live a bitter life. I pity people who are so boring that they have to start neighborhood feuds and boast about it. That's all.

Yup, but like all the immigrants, they need to learn to adapt to our culture, not us to theirs. New arrivals, whether they are from the big city, or half a world away, would do well to respect the local customs, which were presumably what drew them to an area in the first place.

If I were to ever move to downtown Big City, I wouldn't expect to be able to do much of what I do here. I also am smart enough to realize that early morning traffic and 3AM "nightlife" are things that happen in tar-town, and I need to live with it. Just the same as a new neighbor here should expect to hear equipment running shortly after dawn, the occasional tractor induced traffic jam, and seeing a whitetail buck sticking out of the back of a pickup come November.

Getting along goes both ways, and just like merging onto a highway, the person already there has the "right of way."
Well.........there were plenty of fireworks but most of them didn't involve me.
Last evening, a bunch of the local kids were out on dirt bikes and four wheelers. That was the first call to the Sheriff. The kids were on private property so there was nothing illegal about it.
This morning, one of the other neighbors must have decided it was a good morning for cutting as well. He started around 7am. The deputy who showed up this morning apparently told Katherine, again, that everything that was going on was perfectly legal. Just about the time the deputy was leaving, my BIL and I fired up the saws.
The deputy walked down to where we were cutting to explain what was going on. I told him about my encounter last Monday. He said I should have told her to get off of my property and gone back to cutting, Seems like I've heard that before.
The BIL and I cut until about 11:00 and came back to the house. About noon, one of the neighbors showed up to fill me in on the rest of the festivities.
Apparently when the deputy got back from talking with me and told Katherine that he wasn't going to do anything, she came unspooled. From what the neighbor related, she said a lot of bad words and referred to the deputy and the sheriff's department as nothing more than a bunch of Barney Fife's.
She apparently was pretty close to going to jail.
So................I think the drama is over.
She's powerless to affect change and has pissed off the sheriffs department.
All in all, a pretty good morning and I got a bunch of wood cut, I'll finish up tomorrow morning.

This ended up being the perfect storm. Last night was only the second time this year that the kids on dirt bikes have ridden out here. The other neighbor cutting this morning was unusual as well, he normally works weekends and cuts during the week.
I think it was divine intervention.
Well.........there were plenty of fireworks but most of them didn't involve me.
Last evening, a bunch of the local kids were out on dirt bikes and four wheelers. That was the first call to the Sheriff. The kids were on private property so there was nothing illegal about it.
This morning, one of the other neighbors must have decided it was a good morning for cutting as well. He started around 7am. The deputy who showed up this morning apparently told Katherine, again, that everything that was going on was perfectly legal. Just about the time the deputy was leaving, my BIL and I fired up the saws.
The deputy walked down to where we were cutting to explain what was going on. I told him about my encounter last Monday. He said I should have told her to get off of my property and gone back to cutting, Seems like I've heard that before.
The BIL and I cut until about 11:00 and came back to the house. About noon, one of the neighbors showed up to fill me in on the rest of the festivities.
Apparently when the deputy got back from talking with me and told Katherine that he wasn't going to do anything, she came unspooled. From what the neighbor related, she said a lot of bad words and referred to the deputy and the sheriff's department as nothing more than a bunch of Barney Fife's.
She apparently was pretty close to going to jail.
So................I think the drama is over.
She's powerless to affect change and has pissed off the sheriffs department.
All in all, a pretty good morning and I got a bunch of wood cut, I'll finish up tomorrow morning.

This ended up being the perfect storm. Last night was only the second time this year that the kids on dirt bikes have ridden out here. The other neighbor cutting this morning was unusual as well, he normally works weekends and cuts during the week.
I think it was divine intervention.

Yet another happy ending :cheers:
Looks like you won't be having drinks with the new neighbors anytime soon if that's the way they endear themselves to their new environment. Good for you that you were not the only confrontation she created - sounds to me like she's mad at the world. Hopefully she understands the ground rules and her boundaries now.

So................I think the drama is over.
The only drama left on this thread is to wait until the troll comes back to tell you what she thinks you did wrong as a knuckle-dragging caveMAN.
We own a farm that is approx. 300 acres, we have signs posted that say- (Notice: Private Property Active Shooting Range Not Responsible For Accidents)

Mark your lines. what your doing isn't illegal. my guess is to just get used to it. More of those idiots will migrate out into our territory and all will find that their Iphone and Keurig machines don't work so well out on our turf, Most will tuck tail and run.
Looks like you won't be having drinks with the new neighbors anytime soon if that's the way they endear themselves to their new environment. Good for you that you were not the only confrontation she created - sounds to me like she's mad at the world. Hopefully she understands the ground rules and her boundaries now.

The only drama left on this thread is to wait until the troll comes back to tell you what she thinks you did wrong as a knuckle-dragging caveMAN.

Yep, I'm waiting for her to wade back in.
I always welcome constructive criticism.
Glad it worked out for you today. :rock:
The law is on your side, so you can laugh at her during her future tantrums. She may be a middle-aged woman on the outside, but on the inside she's the cranky two year old brat in the checkout line at the grocery store that screams and cries because she can't have what she wants. Hope she cries herself to sleep tonight without dinner.
She may be a middle-aged woman on the outside, but on the inside she's the cranky two year old brat in the checkout line at the grocery store that screams and cries because she can't have what she wants.

Been my experience that the little brat screaming at the check out line usually gets what she wants because the parent can't say no and stick to it. Hope you have better luck with unruly neighbor.
Yes. Just think, she is much more tacky than the OP, who is spouting off on the internet!

Nope. Just pointing out that there is another alternative to stupidity and stubborness. I don't know the OP. Why should I take his side of the story as gospel? I'm not going to affirm stupidity. He's just going to ramp up a little, meaningless neighborhood dispute into something he may regret.

For all you manly "I live in the country" folks. Our population is growing. You are going to have to get along--play well with others or you will live a bitter life. I pity people who are so boring that they have to start neighborhood feuds and boast about it. That's all.

I kind of think of threads like this as similar to BS'ing around the campfire or the table at a GTG. Sure some think it is more and some take it too far in real life, but that will always be, regardless of who says what.

As to OP being in the right or not, well, like you said we only have his side. To me though it sure sounds like unless he's just flat out lying about it all he's in the right, and has refrained from escalating it as far as he legally could have.

Now, as to having to learn to get along with others and there being more people all the time and whatnot...I'll run out of years long before we run out of land.:rock:

Mr. HE:cool:
Couldn't have worked out any better if you had orchestrated it. And your hands are clean, it was an Act of God.:clap:

We have an extremely wealthy Hollywood producer
Reverge Anselmo - IMDb
who decided to buy up a large chunk of prime real estate, plant vineyards, build a winery and a snooty, your kind aren't welcome here, restaurant. I hear the food is great, unfortunately, I can't meet the dress code (wouldn't want to).

Doesn't want to be associated with the redneck, hillbilly reputation of Shingletown, so he tried to get the Post Office to give him an official Inwood address. No dice.

Built a "private chapel" for "private mass" without bothering to get permits. First thing that happened was the county red-tagged him. Held a big ralley, with guest speaker Ann Coulter and Tea Party support, to protest this violation of his religious freedom and property rights. First use of his "private chapel" was it was hired out for a wedding. Sued the county and lost. Court said that religious freedom does not exempt you from compliance with building codes and regs.

Flying his helicopter WAY below the minimum altitude (eye level to a hillside home) lost him his ticket to fly.

Private security were stopping people on the public road and interrogating (that seems to have stopped, was probably informed of criminal consequences). Now he's put security cameras along several miles of public road and has drone surveillance on his property.

Contrary to popular opinion, not all of the loons are on the left.
Couldn't have worked out any better if you had orchestrated it. And your hands are clean, it was an Act of God.:clap:

We have an extremely wealthy Hollywood producer
Reverge Anselmo - IMDb
who decided to buy up a large chunk of prime real estate, plant vineyards, build a winery and a snooty, your kind aren't welcome here, restaurant. I hear the food is great, unfortunately, I can't meet the dress code (wouldn't want to).

Doesn't want to be associated with the redneck, hillbilly reputation of Shingletown, so he tried to get the Post Office to give him an official Inwood address. No dice.

Built a "private chapel" for "private mass" without bothering to get permits. First thing that happened was the county red-tagged him. Held a big ralley, with guest speaker Ann Coulter and Tea Party support, to protest this violation of his religious freedom and property rights. First use of his "private chapel" was it was hired out for a wedding. Sued the county and lost. Court said that religious freedom does not exempt you from compliance with building codes and regs.

Flying his helicopter WAY below the minimum altitude (eye level to a hillside home) lost him his ticket to fly.

Private security were stopping people on the public road and interrogating (that seems to have stopped, was probably informed of criminal consequences). Now he's put security cameras along several miles of public road and has drone surveillance on his property.

Contrary to popular opinion, not all of the loons are on the left.

Private security on a public road, stopping people??

Man, they are lucky..real lucky

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