Sorry, I though savanah meant Georgia. That makes me a real smart ass. Kinda like you pop quizzing me on Maples.
I have been eat up with the smart ass lately. Apologies, I really don't want to start an online spat that kills a thread.
I mean really spreading, no definite stem or "stick". Yet still tall.
I use spurs to disassemble sticks but that is about it.
I think that I am thinking "trees in central TX" and you are thinking "trees in Brooklyn."
I spiked the shiznit out of a lot of trees in Germany and Austria. But there the trees are predominantly excurrent (up and down with a true stick). Those trees had these wierd things called branch collars too - not much of that here, not with definition.
There were also pines, fir, and spruce which we don't have in Austin.
I have been eat up with the smart ass lately. Apologies, I really don't want to start an online spat that kills a thread.
I mean really spreading, no definite stem or "stick". Yet still tall.
I use spurs to disassemble sticks but that is about it.
I think that I am thinking "trees in central TX" and you are thinking "trees in Brooklyn."
I spiked the shiznit out of a lot of trees in Germany and Austria. But there the trees are predominantly excurrent (up and down with a true stick). Those trees had these wierd things called branch collars too - not much of that here, not with definition.
There were also pines, fir, and spruce which we don't have in Austin.