I believe I read somewhere that the geckos are alot lighter but they do look comfy and well built I just got the geckos cuz a friend had them and I got to try em for some months and loved em, super comfy.
I just got the geckos cuz a friend had them and I got to try em for some months and loved em, super comfy.
good enough reason for me.
all i know about climbing equipment is that if i am going to be using it on the daily and it will make my life easier then i am going to spend the money. is this going to help my wallet any? no, but it will make me a better more efficient climber. which will lead to a fatter wallet anyway.
i have tried the red geckos and the were nice. lightweight buggers. but mine had the euro gaff, and they sucked!!! if you get geckos get the american gaffs. i havent tried the carbon fiber ones yet.
i did just get a pair of the klein adjustables though, am doin my first tree withem tomorrow
Spikes take a beating, that's just the way it is if you climb.
You probably know this OD, but when you pull your spike out you can drop your knee out and down and leverage them out instead of pulling straight up. I do it all the time if I am spiked in hard, saves torque on the knee joints, and puts the pivot on your hip joints.