Okay, I'll try.
Using 10oz. bag, 2.2 Zing-it, blue cheap folding cube, all from Vermeer/Sherrills.
Went to the bead store downtown and selected some wire-wound beads about 5/16" long and 1/4" max. diameter, shaped like a football. They <i>just</i> make it onto the line.
<ol><li>string bead onto line
<li>tie ~3" loop in end of line
<li>string loop over end of middle finger and pull line over back of extended hand along forearm
<li>mark line just above hollow of inside elbow
<li>tie overhand knot there to capture bead between there and end loop
<li>repeat on other end of line
<li>drop loop through eye on bag and girth hitch / larks foot, whatever it's called, line to bag
<li>grab bead between thumb and side of middle segment of first finger letting bag/line fall to upper knot, take aim, and throw underhanded with early release (about waist high) as longer follow-through tends to send bag on a more vertical trajectory than usually wanted
75' limbs routinely draped with the rig.
I've not had the hardware get hung up on anything yet. It's virtually weightless.
don't hate,