Splitter 2 stage pump questions

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Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Central Kansas
I have a Barnes 2 stage 13.6 gpm pump that Im only getting 1100 psi out of since it was new. I have it tore apart and I am wondering if there are any people out there that know these pumps real well. Im looking for advice on what might be the problem, how to set the adjustments, etc. Thanks!
I dont know if you can usually tell when the pump kicks down into the lower stage that develops the most pressure, but if you can I havent noticed it on my pump. I know the supply line is big enough, and I have my gauge mounted between the inlet pressure line and the control valve. Gauge reads consistently 1100 psi when I have the ram stalled.
Bowtie: May not even be pump at all? Maybe releif valve on Detent valve stuck "open". Pull return hose off, start splitter, notice flow in buck.....Put log in now and try and split, should see 1/4 the flow rate. This will tell you if pump kicking in low gear or not....Should be a good starting for you. I would lean towards control valve issue first, pump second. Those pumps are pretty much bullet proof arn't they???? Bruce
:agree: with it being the relief valve instead of the pump.

I didn't quite follow the rest of it but if the pump is good then it had to be going somewhere or the engine would slow/stall. If you plug the return line and try to stall the cylinder you will know right away if it is leaking past inside the pump or if the relief valve is set to low. This is a test only. If you tried to run it like this you will break something and possibly cause an injury.

If it is leaking inside the pump it still wont develope pressure.

If it is the relief valve, set to low, it will immediately bog/stall the engine when the pressure shoots up. If you do this, reduce the engine speed considerably to minimise excess pressures from building up and bursting a line.
most pump manufacturers warn against messing with the pump's valves.

i'm sure you took your readings before the control valve....right?

when it's shows 1100 psi, is there oil running back into the tank?

could it be your control valve is set too low?

oops...sorry guys...you said the same thing.
Ok, I was wrong. My pressure gauge is after the control valve. But, if the control valve is limiting the pressure output, would it make a difference where the gauge is mounted? Wouldnt the control valve limit how much pressure comes in to the valve? Maybe I dont completely understand how the 2 stage pump works. Im going to dead head off the return line and test pressure. The control valve is an OLD Greshan control valve off a tractor. I have messed with the relief settings before, and Im not sure its capable of making the pressure Im looking for without modifications. Anyone ever modified a relief valve to make more pressure? I understand the dangers and risks, just a question.
a shame you can't afford the 100 bucks to buy a good valve.

for an old valve off an old tractor, it is probably the valve.

in general, to increase the pressure of the relief, increase the spring rate by shimming the spring, or replacing it.

could be you will blow up the valve if it wasnt' designed for 3000 psi.
I would put the gauge between the pump and the control valve. The Gresen control valves I have seen have the relief setting adjustment just to the left of the handle/spool. An allen wrench to screw it in for more pressure.
Ok, I was wrong. My pressure gauge is after the control valve. But, if the control valve is limiting the pressure output, would it make a difference where the gauge is mounted? Wouldnt the control valve limit how much pressure comes in to the valve? Maybe I dont completely understand how the 2 stage pump works. Im going to dead head off the return line and test pressure. The control valve is an OLD Greshan control valve off a tractor. I have messed with the relief settings before, and Im not sure its capable of making the pressure Im looking for without modifications. Anyone ever modified a relief valve to make more pressure? I understand the dangers and risks, just a question.

you're reading 1100psi after the control valve?

where exactly did you have the gauge set up?
you all are right.

The control valve was limiting pressure, just like you all said. Thanks a bunch. I shimmed the relief spring and WHAM! 2200 psi before adjusting the pump at all. Had 2600 with pump adjusted. This tells me I need to save pennies and buy the right control valve. Im not going to use this valve like this, I have a couple months before hard core firewood season hits. I have my gauge mounted right at the pressure side outlet of the control valve. I also found the weak points of my hydraulic system. The control valve and back seal of the cylinder started to leak a little. Time to get a cylinder rebuild kit like I was going to do last year. (28.99$) Thanks a lot for the help guys, you were all right on the money!:clap: