I believe it may be possible that the pump element may be worn out but I don't believe there is no relief setting adjustment. Unless it is a specially built pump element with the relief valve built in. But in order for the manufacturer to design it that way it has to be turn key system. In other words, the manufacturer of the pump also new exactly which power unit was used, how much flow and volume was used and how much pressure on the piston was required and how large the piston was. Otherwise they would have to leave a provision in the system to fine tune the relief setting after the unit was assembled. Which is the adjustable relief valve, in the control valve, that bypasses oil to the tank when relief pressure is hit when the valve is held in the extend or retract position. When in the neutral position the oil flows to the main control valve and back to the hydraulic tank. When operating the lever you have to have a means to prevent deadheading the pump and locking it up or blowing stuff up. This is the main relief valve.