I put a little RPM/hour meter on mine and I like the RPM's around 2000/2400 but it can be run as high as 4000 but it's much louder and really not that much faster. Al machines have a sweet spot where they run the best for what you need to achieve. Like my truck, it likes 60/65 mph is it's sweet spot where I can get down the road and get the best millage.My home built splitter doesn't have a adjustable throttle. It does have a adjustable governor but it is a process to adjust it. I ran it at 2200 rpm for years. I recently cranked it up to 2400 rpm. It has a round trip cycle time of 9.5 sec, which is fast enough for me. I believe the pump maxes out at 3000, so I guess I'm running at 3/4 throttle. I run a single stage pump, and have enough HP that it doesn't slow down when it hits a hardwood crotch, just presses on.