I actually have a second boat nowI'm unblessed to have to wait till 4/16!!!
Honestly, we should do some fishing up at the cabin this year. They will let you put a (non-motorized) boat in Cannonsville if you get it "cleaned". (It is part of the NYC Reservoir system).
There are also streams that will let you catch and keep native (unstocked) trout!
When I was fishing from shore with my girls (when they were young), a guy with a boat was fishing just past where we could cast ... and he pulled up a 17 lb Brown! Hey, is that Haywire drooling???
"if we could just roll back time.." My father died when I was sixteen and left my Mother a 'Benz with doors that went up in the air. she sold it a couple of years later to pay for a few years of my time at an engineering school. Sixty years later, that car is now worth more than I am.I bought my 2006 Mustang in late 2005. The wife saw the poster of the Ford GT on the wall and said: "I like this". I replied: "OK we will get that". When she found out it was $125,000, she folded and said: "We can't afford that". I told her: "Yes we can, I'll raid my retirement, it will be a good investment".
She would not go along with the plan, but they are now worth many times that purchase price! WOMEN!!! They ruin all your good plans!
That was as bad as the time I found an original 427 AC Cobra. They were selling it for $65,000. I told them they were crazy, my house only cost me $36,000!
Well, the house also appreciated nicely! Five years later I sold it for $120,000. Just wish I had more money back then! (In the late 70s). In the mid 70s I got my "pristine" 70 Boss 302 (engine had a spun bearing) for $800, and the 68 Factory 428 CJ Mustang with 4:30 drag pack option for $1,200). If we could just roll back time!
Mid 50s 300SL?"if we could just roll back time.." My father died when I was sixteen and left my Mother a 'Benz with doors that went up in the air. she sold it a couple of years later to pay for a few years of my time at an engineering school. Sixty years later, that car is now worth more than I am.
Gull wing I believe they call them.
I dunno, the Gullwing is iconic and worth a ton"if we could just roll back time.." My father died when I was sixteen and left my Mother a 'Benz with doors that went up in the air. she sold it a couple of years later to pay for a few years of my time at an engineering school. Sixty years later, that car is now worth more than I am.
@550What’s your cost per year in taxes to hold it Matt?
Two falls ago I see an ad for this vintage snowmobile. Start talking to him “ya runs good”Here is a good one for you about when I bought my Rayco 1665 Stump grinder. I spoke with the guy beforehand on this unit. Does it run?, oh yeah. Are there any issues with it?, nope, I've used it several times. Are the cutter wheel bearings good,? yes. I told him to check them for me and how to check them. Again, they are not loose. Asking $2500 or b.o. I believe that I offered him $2200 for it. It was over a 2 hour drive to pick it up.
I get there and this is what I find. It wouldn't start. Then he says the alternator is not charging, the belt has almost an inch of slack in it. I bend over and push the cutter wheel back and forth. The bearings are wiped out really bad. He says that he couldn't get it to move. I asked if the main telescoping boom works. He says it is a little bit rusted up from sitting. I found out later on that there is a mild kink in the outer beam causing that issue. I bought this for $1600. Had I known the main beam was kinked I might have given him $1000. The points were corroded, carb crusted up, fuel pump diaphram shot, cutter wheel bearings shot and the drive chain was pretty well shot too. The moral of this story is to never trust or believe a seller until you actually look at it and run it.
Not to discourage you in building, but let me ask you a couple of questions…So, I’ll bounce these two ideas off the guys who’s opinions I value
Last fall I was able to grab a building lot in a gated community in Pennsylvania for a song and a dance
I could list the property and current market values, probably net 8-9 grand
My dad and best buddy are telling me to build a house on it and sell it.
My pal said, “you wanna make 10g or 100g?”
My dad says, no risk no reward
I know the payoff can be big if I go big, but it’s a big gamble to invest 200 to sell for 300, what If it doesn’t sell right away….
I mean I’m sure it would as the market for that area has non “new” homes selling for more. But I’m sure you guys know what I mean by being a little nervous
Or, do I just sit on it for a bit??
300SL Gullwing... In 1982, I turned down an offer to drive one, accelerating as hard as I could toward a fence, then jam on the brakes to see if they hold or fade (water in the fluid). I had the owner do it. He did not hit the fence, so he passed the tech inspection for Road America. I did not want to pay the repair bills if it failed. All the other MBs, I tested myself."if we could just roll back time.." My father died when I was sixteen and left my Mother a 'Benz with doors that went up in the air. she sold it a couple of years later to pay for a few years of my time at an engineering school. Sixty years later, that car is now worth more than I am.
Sell it and reinvest the money.
I pulled all 3 connector blocks off. They all look great and no corrosconnectors tried pushing in all the wires to make sure none had come out of the connections.I've seen burned/melted pins in the fuse panel connectors of that vintage GMs. Remove the panel and loosen the bolts that hold the connectors in the panel, remove the connectors and inspect the pins.
My brake lights work fine. It is the parking lights that don't work. I'll check that panel when it warms up in a few days. It is 22 here today. ThanksLots
It’s been 10years but i remember clearly that a lot of the brake lamp issues relate to C2 of the fuse box located where your left foot would kick the center console riding shotgun
There was a TSB out for it
Thanks for that info Matt.