OK so I've had a little chance to ply with the Stihl pro maul and I an offer some views. I will try to come back with photos in a few days, and a few more comments in due course.
Firstly what I have needs some explaining as its not clear on the Stihl sites what the pro maul/pro cleaving hammer actually is.
here on the US site
https://m.stihlusa.com/products/hand-tools/axes/woodsplitmaul/ is the wood cutters maul, 6.6lbs and 33.5" of Ash. Also listed is the pro splitting maul
https://m.stihlusa.com/products/hand-tools/axes/prosplitmaul/ which it says is also 6.6 lbs but has a large steel overstrike protetion on a 35" hickory stick. hmmm
Now the confusion starts, as the co.uk site has 3 versions
first is clearly the same as the US woodcutters maul, 3Kg (thats 6.6lbs) and 85cm (34") Ash stick. For a few pounds (sterling) more you get the same but with a Hickory stick, then third version is the pro 90cm (36") hickory sticked, steel overstrike protected and...3.8Kg head. that works out at 8.3lbs ..hmm is it the same as the US pro maul and if so which site is right, which wrong?
Well...I suspect it is the same but both are wrong/misleading. I may try and weight the head to prove this but I know the head is heavier than 6.6lbs. I have another 6lb hardware store maul and this stihl thing is far, far heavier. It may not be 3.8kg though...as the head is clearly marked '3.5' which i take to be Kg, or 7.7lb maybe the difference, the 300grams or 0.6ish lbs is the handle? maybe the others are actually 6lb head, 0.6lb handle? That's not what either site says but, perhaps. Anyway, mine is definitely the overstrike protected, 3 foot long handled heavy weight.
first impressions...its well made, and heavy. ...