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Lewis Brander

Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
Ogdensburg, NY
I got my new sprockets and .404 chains from Jeff Sikkema today by UPS. He sent them out on the 10th. I have them installed on the Homelite 600 D, C-5 and C-51. Everything fit just fine. Now will have to try them out and see just what they'll do. Jeff was a great help and want to thank him for his time, patience and quick service. Talked to him on the phone and he seems like the sort of fellow who would help you if he could. Thanks again Jeff. I've sent out some emails to try and find those bar guide plates, so hopefully may find them somewhere. Everyone take care. Lewis.
To mange:

I find as a whole most people will help a person out, the best they can, within their own limitations. But a few just don't care or give a hoot, if you know what I mean. Like you helping the old fellow keep his old saw running and others offering up their saws to help someone out because their saws were stolen, etc. I used to have my own business and used to help out others with help on parts and labor, etc. They never forgot it and in the long run my business would pick up (word of mouth?). I hated it when people (especially those with money) would bring in their cars or equipment in tell you what was wrong, how they wanted it fixed, then you were to consider it a privelage that they brought their stuff into you to work on and top it off, not pay their bills for months or years. Seems at times that the ones with no money, so to speak, would pay up faster. Guess they appreciated more what you did for them. OK, rambled on enough. Take care. Lewis.
I oce was at a junkyard, bying parts for a car and the man always looked at the parking, to see what you were driving.
Expenicve car = expencive parts.
And it had nothing to do with what you bought.
Funny man.

"Seems at times that the ones with no money, so to speak, would pay up faster. "

Thats my experience to. They seem to like service/ help better,
A lot nicer to deal with.

To Manage:

Seems like people with money, have there money because they use other peoples mioney to make more money for themselves. I was told that's the only way to go. It never seemed to work for me. Everything I had in my business was bought and paid for as it came in. I didn't owe anyone. The biggest problem I had was gettig paid by the so called fat cats. Those who were living from day to day, so to speak, knew what it was like and would make more of an attempt to pay there bills. I would talk to them and say that I need to get paid up as soon as possible ( uusally 30 to 90 days) and the money would be there. Another problem I had was with so called relitives. Guess some of them figured that they could skate forever on paying their bills. I closed my business in around Nov. 1989. Had around $15,000.00 on the books. By Feb, 1990 I had all but $500.00 or so paid up. Took everyone to small claims court. Didn't care who they were. Course it helped to know the town judge. Did a lot of work for him and he knew where I stood and what was going on. OK, take care. Lewis.
money, money, moooney

Same experience here. Had one well off guy tell me it was his priviledge to charge, after I told him cash because his last bill took 2 years to pay up.
I always respected a fella just west of here. Due to a divorce, he went bankrupt. He had a business, and owed lots of people.
It took him 15 years, but he paid everyone back, in full.

Yes, the people with the least seem to be the best when paying off their bills.

that's most of us buddy.it's just too bad that those few gems that don't pay on time are doing it to everyone else too.well,what comes around goes around.those with the most usually end up losing the most.