If square ground chain is not any faster than round ground chain…
*And* square ground chain is more difficult to learn to sharpen than round ground chain…
Then *why* would they continue to manufacture it and why would anyone buy it?
I should think that if there were no advantage in its use, then they would discontinue it...
I know some loggers who will round ground file a square ground chain. I suppose they are not the ones doing the ordering, but why not order a round ground chain in the first place if that is what you want?
*And* square ground chain is more difficult to learn to sharpen than round ground chain…
Then *why* would they continue to manufacture it and why would anyone buy it?
I should think that if there were no advantage in its use, then they would discontinue it...
I know some loggers who will round ground file a square ground chain. I suppose they are not the ones doing the ordering, but why not order a round ground chain in the first place if that is what you want?