MS-310 Livewire Schweg2 superdave hillcrest:your washers are going to R B W and he will add a shim, and mail to you
Woodduck encorepistol: need address
baydog evin: as soon as I get some more shims from RBW(Am I dumping this on him?) I'll set up for some more washers
Dolmarat02 Dtw902 olyman: I owe you them next, I ain't forgot
NOTE: this is a non profit group. If you get one grinder, please don't order----a couple of sets---- they arent aaa batteries we would be out of bussiness, if this was a business. so please, just order for the grinders you got. If you want them to put them in grinders to sell, email for prices, R B W estimated a price for the real world.(dumped on him again).
You could just have your friends that dont have grinders order them for you and fool the village idiot ( me again ), but then I would swing a dead cat over my head, hail the prince of Pakipcy and ban all washers for evermore til the curse is lifted.
to put it another way;If I hadn't score a chunk of SS , it would have cost $225, then take the 42 pound peice and machine away 41 pounds, package time, $.63 to mail each one. (you begin to see why I'm not in business for myself), add in the toolong , time, and materials of R B W, then toolong and time for whats his name-me.(and a b*tch to deburr)
I like doing it for you guys, I've learned a lot on this site, thanks.
Many people have thanked me and I want to thank you for wanting to do something to be thanked for(RETCH-sounds like a barry manalow song-UNCLEAN-UNCLEAN
Anybody I missed, EMAIL
Any other multiples, EMAIL
Any not on todays 2 posting that haven't got theirs yet, EMAIL