people who don't have to email about payment
There are others on another list which I don't have right now.
Check my mail once a week, hate lists.
If you sent money, thanks, Its the thought that counts.
If you didn't send money, don't ask.
Maybe i lost the list, the important thing is that you all got your washers.
HOWEVER. The Canadians screwed it up!!! NOT!!!!!!
The packet of washers had the one to Canada on top, so the great USpostal service sent back the whole packet with customs papers to fill out!!
david aker bruce umgardner danl deerlakejens
sawin Larrythecablegut
james doerr kevin haik woodchux flht01
ron smith m daugherty fatekeper1
neal yoest greg bottali
I will most likely lose your checks
the above list is both lists
another list will appear soon
van buckner