Well, you got me wrong there. I am the guy that usually takes the side of the dealer, because I have been there, done that.
Of course good customers and buddies of the dealer/owner, they enjoy a lattitude of cushiness.
When I worked for the mower shop as a tech in Louisville, I got all of the tickets that had F.O.B. or F.O.D., {friend of Brian, or , friend of Dan},which was the owner and general mgr.
I still got penalized for losing money, but I was a lowly tech/mechanic, but they were friends...
You are sour at me, I told you to file with e-bay and get over it....
You want what???????
You want this guy to give you what????
Send it back, get your money back, get it over with!!!!!!
You want to squeeze cahones? Get most of your money back and keep the saw??? You crafted this thread to make it sit better in your
If you get something not as described from Ebay, call them, and get your money back!!!!!!