Well I pulled off the clutch and all the case bolts look to be in place. I also checked the cylinder fins and those 4 bolts are present as well. I did have a new cylinder put on last year and I hadn’t cut with it much since then so it is possible that the bolt had been lost/dropped and left in there loose. I took the opportunity to really clean the saw as well. I found that the gap is due to the rubber swelling so I should replace that, as well as the sprocket. After all that, I put the bar and chain on and noticed that the chain seems to bind—it won’t tighten or loosen. When I take the bar off, the tensioner mechanism moves like it should but when the bar and chain go on and I tighten the bolts the tensioner won’t adjust. And, yes I know this was a bad idea, I fired up the saw anyway and the chain flew off and hit me in the leg. I think that I mentioned that I knew it was a bad idea. Just glad my wife didn’t see it