ArboristSite Guru
That’s amazing to get your first one for $5! The 026, 260, 261 are my absolute favorite saws. I’m always keeping my out for a fixer but just never see them. Definitely missing my 261cm that the ex stole from me.If you lived closer I would make sure you had one. They just seemed to multiply for me after a friend bought me one from a fleamarket for the pricely sum of $5. , the saw was partly disassembled but would run. I remember buying another one locally for parts but after picking it up it needed only a carb kit to put it back in good running condition. That`s how they all came my way, needing a bit of this and that and the heard grew to over 17 of them at one time, a few have been dispersed here and there but the number has never dropped below 10 . They show up in all forms of condition, boxes of parts, saws torn down and never reassembled , complete and not running or mostly complete with a part or two missing. That first $5. one became my favorite and is the one I pick up first on any day to go cutting with.
and thanks brother, that’s a very kind gesture.