Stihl 036 Isssue

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New Member
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
SW Colorado
When this thing went it basically ruined the worm gear, clutch, and oil pump. I bought all the parts on ebay of course and I think I got the wrong needle cage bearing with my clutch. Reason why is because it won't start without the chain moving. If I take off the chain and bar, it'll start but the brake kills it. The needle cage didn't seem to fit right when installed, I think it's binding up and not allowing the clutch to function.

Do you fine folks have any idea where I can find this annoying little part without going through a dealer? I found the part numbers - there seems to be two to choose from:

9512 933 2380 or
9512 933 2260

If I'm off base on this, let me know, I like to fix things myself and am educating myself in the process on my saw.

Any help you can give would be much appreciated!
Which chain sprocket and clutch drum do you have? That will tell us which bearing you need. Read us the part number on the clutch drum and the chain sprocket, and I can look at my parts catalog and tell you which bearing you need. It will tell us if you are using a 3/8 or .325 and a 7T or 8T. I reckon you are somewhere around Durango and could use a little wood about now :) :)
The clutch drum/bearing choice is obvious as it either fits or it doesn't. If you do need to change out the drum, buy the newer drum "Kit" - it upgrades you to the current 036-pro drum and big bearing. Much more reliable.

However, gleaning info from your orginal post, you say you had a bad worm gear etc. Check that the worm gear rotates smoothly AFTER you have torqued down the clutch (just move the catch wire with a screw driver). If it doesn't you may have assembled the oil pump sleeve wrongly. There is a special (Stihl) flat washer the goes over the crank before you insert the sleeve, then the pump worm drive. The washer and sleeve space the worm correctly so it rotates freely after the clutch is installed. If the pump is "locked" to the crank, so is the clutch drum... Happens all the time on 044's as the crank horizontal POSITION determines whether the correct clearnace is available, and I've fixed a few like this after guys have put in their own cranks without the right tools/procedure.
It was the clutch

Turns out I got the wrong clutch on fleabay, buyer beware I guess.

Printed out the exploded view and compared the old one with the new one. Obvious differences. Went to local Stihl repair shop, got a new spring and cobbled the old one back together. Installed and viola, it works fine.

Lesson learned, thanks for your help all!