Stihl 041 ave super VS Jonsered cs 2150

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Stihl 041 super said:
Which one would win a stihl 041 ave super with a 25 inch bar with 150 psi of compression or a jonsered cs 2150 with an 18 inch bar. also which would win if they both have the same bar?

I don't want to sound mean, but in the chain saw world, your question is analogous to this:

Who is tougher? the fat girl in grade three, or the Down's syndrome boy in grade two.
This is a complex question with no easy answer. Clearly a 25 inch peepee is bigger than a 19 inch peepee. Which is faster? That would depend on the age and condition of the wood you are cutting, the experience of the sawyer, bar oiling etc., etc. Did I mention the saw?
Why? Which is faster? Is that the ?
The Plymouth would beat the Ford.
The Stihl "should" beat the Jred, but not by much.

So make the ultimate "hot saw" Yank the motor from the Plymouth and hang 6 feet of bar running the biggest ugliest harvester chain you can find. Go get about 4 body builders to lift/run the thing. Let the chips fly!!!!
jensen 32000 said:
Which would win a 1/4 mile race? A Mercury 352 ci or a Plymouth 361 ci? Both sedans of course!

My money would be on the 361. I found one in a barn years ago and rebuilt it. Solid lift cam and tunnel ram. It was a runner. I dident know at the time about running screws through the rims. I found out though when I drove down the highway, turned around and launched. The slicks spun on the rims when it hooked up and went flat. That was a 2 mile walk home. Back to the speed shop for screws.