Brad, I will supply the:
-badass rim sprocket
-duromatic bar
-rims (all needed)
-and chains for each
This should make a NICE package.
The wife sanctioned all this since stumpy has Mastiffs!
Brad, I will supply the:
-badass rim sprocket
-duromatic bar
-rims (all needed)
-and chains for each
This should make a NICE package.
The wife sanctioned all this since stumpy has Mastiffs!
That's one cool donation Matt. I can find something cool to throw in as well.
I have not read through the Stumpy thread completely. Are you guys doing another charity auction? If auction, I would wait until tax time to do it. Right now many folks are Christmas broke. There is alot of value here with a perfect 090G and the bars etc. I doubt very many folks have $2500+ to throw at it this time of year.
Tell me what you guys think. Would it be worth purchasing a 36" hard nose or roller nose bar and 1/2" chain for this saw before selling it? I can borrow the B&C from my 090G to make test cuts and a vid to sell it with. But, how might it affect the selling price with the saw missing the bar and hard to find 1/2" chain?
Go .404 and 36" Hardnose
After lying out chain, and measuring links and finding the straps I have a solid 1.25 hours of sleep before getting back on the poles and connecting wires!! "Stay thirsty my friends"..................
I see you have a problem with pullers Brad but you are also required to heat the G sprocket off as per the Stihl workshop manual.
Just one JJ!
The plan has been to Ebay it. Howwever, I've considered what you're saying on the shortage of funds at this time of year. Also, I'd LOVE to see someone on this forum get this saw. You know, kind of like keeping it in the family. How about an auction right here on AS? Or, would that get too sticky? We don't want this saw to end up causing any hard feelings amongst ourselves. Anyone got any ideas? Personally, I'd want to see a reserve of $1500. I feel the saw is worth somewhere between $1500-$2500.
Surely one of the "C" type jaw pullers could get behind it?
My info says the OEM 1109 890 4401 puller became NLA from 1998.
Heat the pee out of the PTO side.
Grab it and pull! You might have to try the heat several times to work.
They are put on to stay! Just have to help it.
Heat-heat-heat! And a little pressure!