Stihl 3002/Large-mount bars: Compatibility observations

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. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 16, 2011
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I have read posts, and posted, re fit of bars spec'd for 088/880 etc. on an 090. The consensus seemed to be that, yes, anything that will fit an 088/880 will fit an 090.

I have a new 36" 063/040 Rollomatic ES bar, no. 3002 000 9753, spec'd for 088/880, etc., which is a wide-tip sprocket-tip. The mount provision is shown in the photo, on the bottom(with an Oregon bar on top and the original Duromatic in the middle)


This bar has only one set of adjuster-tab holes which, if used, would position the bar such that there is virtually no forward/tightening adjustment available, as the end of the slot will reach the rear stud:


I've seen on the net a Rollomatic ES bar, with the identical part no., albeit a non-wide-tip, that DOES have the requisite dual set of mount stud holes. Thus.....shouldn't bars with identical numbers be of the same mount configuration, or are there variations (obviously) even with the same bar number???

I'll be drilling the second, forward set of holes to accommodate the 090AV needs. Just to simplify, can anyone provide the precise C-C spacing? (Not sure the spacing on the Oregon bar is correct, as the oiling holes position comes into play....and, the spacing on that like-numbered bar of which I have viewed the photo appears to have a closer spacing.)

AND, how 'bout those aggressive oiling holes in the Oregon bar???



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