hi Carl, I see you found a bunch of my stuff in those links. My current inventory, not including doubles is, lightning, contra lightning S, contra lightning GS "clone". 070,090, 090AV, 090G.. I also have a huge library of literatchure . aka, knucklehead.
can you post a pic of that filter sock? I still dont know if the dealer or stihl supplied that sock.
I'm trying to catch up with you in the old Stihl collection but know I never will and if I even came close I would be divorced...
Sorry if it sounded like I had one of the socks for the filter. I had just noted the one saw with one and had the same questions you do about their originality.
Those are great Darius Kinsey photos...Originals, yes? And of family members. WOW! He was one of the greatest photographers ever. His work has never been matched by any other including Jackson and Curtis. Wow, would I love to have some of his originals!
must be the one I just bought tonite after I looked at my blk piston
he had 3, I grabbed 2. did the rings look good on the one you got?
I also bought one of those some time back if anyone needs one....I don't think I need a BLK.