Stihl Prices

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This anti-Stihl turn is interesting.

Quality varies between the brands depending on the model.
Electrolux has sold some serious crap, by painting over the green
with orange or red, but they are not held to as high of a standard
as Stihl for those sins. The Stihl salesmen must defend their crap
by defining the terms [Professional vs. consumer] while E-Lux
just cranks out crap and good saws, and lets the buyer beware.
Poulan used to have some good saws, but no longer. Poulan
"Pro" is a saw that is teetering on the fence quality wise.
The problem with E-Lux, is that they have taken junk Poulans
and painted them Orange or Red to fool the uninformed.
I, in no way am trying to defend Stihl's choice of selling junk,
as I am against it. They have spent half of a century establishing
a good name in saws, and have lost it in the last decade. But
reality must must prevail here, as I will not allow anything less.

Husky/Elux sells a lot of crap too, it is the wave of the future.
In my area Huskies are not any cheaper than Stihls. If you buy off of the net its a differant story. A 372 of a cost $570. I bout my 044 from a local dealer and it cost $600. I would rather have a good dealer support than save $30. BTW The local husky dealer(if you can call him that) wanted $615 for a 372.
Bic saws, huh Fish?  What ever happened to the Zippos?

It's been my experience that unless one goes mail-order, the Husky prices are a bit higher for comparable models.  I don't like to mail-order much of anything anyway, and the local Husky dealer went tits-up some months back, so I haven't been able to check again lately, either.  And that upsets me a little, especially since I found this site. is currently refusing connections, so I can't locate a dealer.&nbsp; :<tt>(</tt>

Brand loyalty can certainly be a blinding factor, but loyalty to the economic well-being of the community one chooses to be part of is consequential.&nbsp; I've got a Stihl dealer about a mile away as the crow flies.&nbsp; Even if I spend an extra hundred bucks here or there with him (not that I <i>like</i> it), it's a far cry better than making one hour (travel only) round trips, and I get occasional local work thrown my way as a result.

I just checked out CCD website. There is another $23 in shipping on the 372/24 so they are more expensive than alamia or southwest. BTW I have heard from several other people that $600 is a pretty standard price for a 440/24.
I always took a liking to Stihl saw also untill they got a bit behind on the AV...... I called my Stihl dealer he said 650.00 out the door for a 440 with 24" and two chains ouch........that's how I started running the Jonsereds I really like the way the feel and run Its really hard to beat the price on the red and black huskies The 2171 can be had for around 550.00
Originally posted by woodsjunkie
Thats a good looking saw ..............
get any more ??????

The Shindaiwa distributor for Ohio, Pennsylvania and 6 other states is 10 to 15 min from me. Shindaiwas are very popular in my area. That price is one I latched onto ( right place.....right time kind of thing ). I think normal price for a powerhead is around $550. The saw cuts slower than a Husky 372 or a Stihl 044, and is heavier at 14.9 lbs. Low-end torque is great. But I don't mind the weight or slower running, the saw just feels great and is cool to run!

Mine is running at 11,800 rpm. In the cut it is about 9500 rpm. Slow by todays standards. The torque seems to keep it running quite good though. Cutting against an 044 it was just about neck and neck.
Stihl prices are higher around CNY than Husky prices, $600 for an MS440 is very good. Most guys want $640. On the other hand there are also Husky dealers who expect to get $640 for a 372. One significant difference between CCD and Alamia or Southwest Fastener, aside form the fact that it will cost a few bucks more at CCD when delivered, is that CCD starts the saws and checks them over before they go out the door and they also make sure that you get warranty coverage if need be, either through your local dealer or themselves. CCD is a flesh and blood operation that happens to have an internet sales operation and you will find that they are well stocked and quick to deliver. I`ve heard a few people being happy with Alamia but far more horror stories, haven`t heard alot about Southwest Fastener, good, bad, or indifferent. Check out accessory prices at Alamia vs CCD and if you ever need any competent customer service, CCD has it. Russ
I don't know if any of you have heard,however, the idea buying online so much cheaper may be coming to an end. This is not the doing of none other than Wal-Mart and Target who is now charging sales tax in 37 states. They are doing this since they feel that online sales are unfair to the traditional "brick and mortar" businesses. Even the beloved local ALAMIA has had manufacturers come down on him. I know for a fact that the list of manufacturers he offers has shrunk. If you are familiar with the website it is become much simpler recently and the list of vendors smaller.

Stihl is not over priced. If one can compare the dealer prices on this equipment they are very comparable. The difference is the way it is marketed. Stihl will not fall behind in this simply because their dealers are making money on the product which allows them to feed their families and pay their bills. Husqvarna does not care who sells their product so you will find it cheaper on the internet for reasons well discussed in this forum before. I will tell you that a dealer who is in commercial business can come down a little on his Stihl product and still make a fair profit. Despite what anyone thinks it is necessary for a typical dealer to make 20% on a small item like a chainsaw in order to make any sort of profit. In operating and dealership for several years now I can tell you it will take 15% to just break even with all costs accounted for. Online companies can sell for less because they simply forgoe many traditional expenses and operate a warehouse and not a dealership, that sells nothing only takes orders for product essentially already sold. I am confident that most reputable brands will eliminate onlines sales. I can tell you that Mayberrys among others have sued manufacturers who have questioned their right to sell online.....quite simply have lost. It may take time but I believe it is ultimately inevitable.

To me good! Manufacturers should not allow those sales. I have always wondered why an extra 50 or even 100 bucks on a chainsaw makes that big of a difference. Really if that 50 to 100 bucks makes or breaks you business I would venture to say that there are other reasons your business profit is not where it should be. I can assure you that your dealer is not taking advantage of you even if you get charged full retail. I dont know the volume of business that each of you do but to me if a business is doing 100K in sales, fussing over 100 dollars is 1/10 of 1% of his business. Each of us can cut much bigger costs elswhere than focusing in on that 1/10th of 1%. How about our labor or effciency or our taxes or just about anything else. Just an opinion.

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