Stihl timbersports

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Al Smith

Addicted to ArboristSite
Apr 28, 2004
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Lima Ohio
For you that follow it,the Stihl timbersports will be at the Allen county fair grounds,Lima Ohio aug 25,26,27 ,28 1 to 6 pm.I plan on attending on Sat the 28 th.Look for the big hairy dude,with a blue hat thay says "USS Seadevil".Hope to see a few of you.
Man i would love to be their but work is more important , but if Cecil makes the top 12 by the end on the weekend where the finals are you most likely will find me , he is 13th now , give her hell boy!!!!!
What days are you going? Lima is only a few hours away from me.
Guess I should take a trip and see the show.
Let me know,
Cecil Starr #12

Okay,Ehp,your man is number 12,as of yesterday,in the stock saw 2 more days left,tommorrow,and Sat.{ I will be there}Again,1 to 6 pm.Easy to get to I-75 .Exit 125[Ohio} SR 309,2 miles east.See ya Sat.
i have not got todays points but unless Harry breaks a leg i think he is toast but going in to this year he had hoped to finisn in 20 place or better and as of wed. he was in 14th over all points , not bad for a hick from up here that all most cut his arm off with a axe when his underhand block blew out from under him and he fell on the axe, the first 2 weeks of the 5 weeks he was in hospital they were sure he would loss it
Starr in finals

Hey,Ontario,C.Starr made the finals,on Sat.,in stocksaw.I am going out there in a little while,and if I get any more info,I will make a post,when I get back,around 10 pm.
Cecil ended up 14th, i know he would be very happy with that but being so close to 12th for the finals for over all he will be down abit, he is the highest placement for a canadain this year,
good stuff Cecil
Welcome to the AS chainsaw forum Jamie! I hope that you learn alot about saws here! LOL!

Jeeez, I don't have a favorite saw because I'm having a very difficult time getting the darn things to run right. Hence my presence on this board to understand engines a little better.

In the past I have ran a 500 Honda built by Dennis Cahoon and that was a brute that was near impossible to make three cuts. I've also made some practice cuts with a 250 Suzuki built by Harry Boedeker out of Ohio. The 250 was easier to control but vibrated really badly.

The Rotax is really balanced, relatively light, and easily controlled. Obviously, some run them better than others, but I would prefer the Rotax.

I recently had D&D put a new 48mm carb on it along with a new pipe. Once I can get it dialed in, I know I'll be cutting them faster than I've cut them before. Note, I've never cut them really fast (in comparison to the likes of Harry Burnsworth or Matt Bush), but I hope to be closer.

All the best,
not sure what happened to Cecil, when here at home he starts it everytime but at the show he says he feels rushed bad when running a rotax , i ran it before he lefted and it started 8 for 8 and never had any trouble with it, i guess he is pretty nervous running it, he cut a 7.32 down in New Brunswick the week before and got 5 th with it but at the stihl series he never had a good run all 4 days , this hurt him bad on points
Cecil's saw sounded great in the warmups, but sounded like a dog after it was warmed up. It's hard to explain. It's almost like the firing system went bad after the motor got warm. To be honest, it was beyond my knowledge. All I know is that he got timed out twice because the saw wouldn't start. The last time in Ohio, it took three cranks, but he got it to run and it cut very average but still better than mine.

All the best,
Kristy and I really enjoyed Bath. It was a great show. We'll definitely be back next year as long as we don't have a conflict. Rain is part of any outdoor activity and it's bad when it kills a show; but we kept on plowing and had a good time.

All the best
not sure why either cause it works great up here, and i guess sense he has only a few runs on a bikesaw he will get better
yes i agree , he is not what you would call scared of it but not sure on what to do yet, how to push or warm-up

I only got to see about 1/2 of the finals,on Sat.Real good show.I didn't think anybody could swing an axe,the way those guys can. Wow!In the stocksaw,one contestant was disqualed,for the infraction of not having both hands on the wood,at the start.I could not see,because the ESPN camera crew was blocking my view.Tough luck,because his cut,appeared to me to be one of the faster ones.Ontario's Cecil Starr,recieved great praise from the show commentators,and they added" he's the one to watch" in comming years.
If he could of would of ran the bikesaw good and did just alittle better on single buck he would of been it the finals,
talked to him last night for a hour , he is happy where he ended up cause i donot think anybody figured he would do this good, i guess he cut his wrist pretty good on Thursday , touched the pipe on the bikesaw , it was hot and pulled his hand back across the chain, he said it leaked all weekend

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