Storm Work

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 26, 2002
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north Alabama.usa
Many storms came though the Missouri, Tennessee area in the last few days. Is there any "work chasers " going to that area.
I was also interested if there was arboristsite members from that area that could respond on the situation there...The news story said that the 2nd oldest tree in the state of Missouri fell during the storm, and the city of Jackson Tennessee was hit very hard.
news reports

from what I saw on the news and heard a caller from that area on the radio, all the tree crews in the area should have plenty of work for a long time. I haven't chased any storm work either. I was asked to go to Florida for a few weeks after a hurricane a few years back. If there is anyone in the storms path that can add any other infomation or post pictures, we want to see them...
If there is work, there will usually be workers.

If Sanborn is headed that way, I would try to get my sister or mom to watch my boys for a week. I someday would like to help in another area, teaming up and driving with another one or two person team.

You hear that JPS?

Is it practical today with three young boys? No, but... who said we arborists are practical!

Gopher :D
How widespread was the damage???? I always thought that twisters don't have a wide enough path to do the kind of damage needed for storm chasing.. Hurricanes and ice yes.. twisters no...
They can tear a town to pieces and kill a lot of people... but not near as many trees as a hurricane that has a path 150-200 miles wide (that would be Hugo in '89).
Floyd in '99 was 500 miles across... I remember watching the weather channel while visiting my in-laws in California, looking at Floyd sitting just off the Atlantic coast, from Virginia to southern Georgia.... Then looking at everyone calmly eating dinner.... I couldn't sit down.... You have to have seen what something like that can do to understand... There were hundreds, maybe thousands of people about to die... Insurance companies were going to go bankrupt.... maybe even the whole house of cards of the international finace sysytem would go down.....
And then at the last minute the hand of God turned that storm out to sea..... Very few people realize what a bullet missed us in that moment... The spin off rains alone, from Floyd did more damage to North Carolina than Hugo did when it tore right across the state. (Note that when Hugo hit in '89 it was the most costly storm ever, up to then)
Just another reminder that any sense of control we might have is more illusion than reality.
I've been looking around, and there seems to be a lot of small rural patches of damamge. From news footage most of the work will be on the ground or buckets. The damage is so thourogh that they go in there like a wrecking crew to haul everything out. One side of the road will have debrise on the ground and evrything is standing, but the otherside is flatend.
It is not just storm damage that make for work, it has to be storm damage in the right zip codes.

If a storm demolishes east Austin, I might make $50 bucks if I work for a week. If a storm does some scattered light damage in west Austin, I can rake in cash for a few weeks.
i am in north east kansas and we have very scattered damage. where the tornados did the most damage around here, they are going in with bulldozers and just pushing everything into a trash pile and hauling it to the dump. There is very little tree damage, unless the whole tree is gone. Most of the trees were pruned by the ice storm a couple years ago :D if this wasn't finals week here at college, i would be out getting some firewood and sawlogs for cheap.

Charles Wist
Hey Charles, Do you know Charlie Podorff (sp?) he runs a tree company and sells gear in Manhattan. Looks like a short Santa Clause on steroids.

Yo JPS, I work for Charly Pottorff!! I am currently giggling about the Santa on steroids comment.
Hey Chainsaw...are you still at KSU? Need any gear? I can connect you with Charly. Anybody else looking for gear? What do you want? Charly has it.
i am going to school, studing agricultural education- it leaves me a wide variety of areas to study. right now i am doing more work sawing up large timber and clearing land in rural areas. i wish i had money to get some gear, but it will have to wait until i get my truck replaced- a girl ran into it yesterday.

I Just got off the phone with Charly a few minutes ago.

I got a pic of him around 100 ft up a fir taking pictures at the treehouse project. Ask him how he got up it, I wont say it on the board. Lotsa people looking the other way :rolleyes:

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